Good morning!
Now that we have your attention!
This subject can be taboo for many,
and yet that is how you all got here
Sex is one of the things that has gotten more
misunderstood as you’ve become more “civilized”.
The ancients grasped the deeper meaning of sex,
and it’s connection to the divine.
It is the ultimate sharing and connection of two souls in the physical.
Think about it,starting with the kiss.
A passionate kiss is the sharing of the breath, the life force.
Taking the organ that produces speech, but communicating
without words.
It is a very intimate act, to share another’s breath, and it would
behoove you to be conscious of that during your next passionate kiss.
Not all sex has the intention of merging two souls,
it is purely for physical release, and it generally does not
involve deep kissing.
Orgasm is the ultimate act of surrender while still in the body.
Actually, death is THE ultimate act of surrender,
and the French call orgasm “la petite mort” the little death.
At that precise moment you merge with your own divine nature.
It only lasts a moment, but it changes you physically.
It can activate your central channel, your kundalini,
which ignites that fire in your body, but also your soul.
You were created to have and enjoy the pleasure of sex.
Remember the deeper meaning of its magic and use
the exchange to surrender and open yourself to your higher
Remember: Love is the ingredient that creates the true alchemy.
Now that you have forgiven those that have hurt you
It is critical that you forgive yourself.
That is a much harder task
It is usually easier to forgive others than it is to allow yourself to feel that same forgiveness
It has to do with trust
You have to forgive yourself for betraying your trust.
When you feel you cannot trust your own guidance
for it has led you down dark and twisty paths
Forgiveness will shine a new light on those areas of shame and regret.
Forgive yourself for poor choices,
they were made out of ignorance,
If you knew better, and did it anyway, forgiveness does not come easily
For your mind overrode the whisper of your soul,
and you betrayed your best intentions,
and feel you cannot be trusted
with your own well-being.
Open your heart and dare to feel that hurt
that betrayal
and then set it free!
You would never withhold forgiveness from a child,
even if that child had endangered itself after being warned.
You would not continue to say “I told you so”
You would not punish incessantly
You would never remind it daily of its transgressions
You would not lock it up, denying it the joy and freedom of life
Most importantly, you would not withhold your love!
Love yourself enough to forgive yourself,
Love yourself like you would that child
knowing that you know better now.
It is okay to move with caution,
little baby steps, to earn back your trust
but give yourself that gift
It will change your life.