
Promises Kept, Promises Broken


This is a great time to examine your relationship to promises
Made in your life…to yourself.

“I promised myself I would never….” 
Eat after midnight,
Date a man under 6ft tall,
Swim in dark water,
Leave the house without lipstick,
Wear shorts,
Get into debt,
Live in a cold/ hot climate,
Laugh again in church 😉

You get the picture.

Do these promises you make to yourself still serve you?
Some of them date back to such a different time and energy,
Some even back to childhood!

Sometimes very ernest promises we make to ourselves,
Turn hard and rigid,
They are born out of fear,
Of humiliation, or regret.
And they can hold you back.
They become a bad habit,
And because you call the a promise,

Please reconsider.
It is a new time and more importantly,
A new energy!
Keep the promises that move your life in the direction you desire,
And break all the rest,
And have fun doing it!

A Life Well Lived

A Life Well Lived

Slavery of the Soul


Slavery of the Soul
Always unintentional 
But so easy to do!

You disregard the yearnings of your soul,
In favor of a “safe” existence.
Your master is your head and not your heart.

That is like walking thru life with shackles,
With leg irons so heavy that each step is tiring.

And THAT is a sure indication that your living 
the life of an indentured servant,
subject to the wants and whims of others,
Losing site of your true nature, and what makes YOU happy.

When that happens, it gets harder to wake up in the mornings,
You are so tired all the time.
You feel the chains of the expectations of others
Weighing you down!

Break free!
Emancipate yourselves!
Break all the locks, remove the chains of living 
Someone else’s life,
Slavery of your Soul is 
Like a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

(written surrounded by the red rocks of Zion National Park)!

It’s What’s On The Inside!

It's What's On The Inside!

Aging Gracefully


There is such a beauty in aging that is grossly 
Under appreciated.
There is such wisdom that comes with the accumulated years.
Edges that existed in youth, have worn smooth,
there is less concern about appearance and correctness,
so these later years can be used in service.

Service to the beautiful planet that has been such 
a welcoming host,
Service to those that are coming up behind you,
Looking for any and all secrets you can shed some light on.

Each day is such a gift,
And you have been blessed to age.
You have been blessed to make it to this place of 
Wisdom and grace.

You know who you are,
You know what you want,
You know your strengths,
And your weaknesses,
You are more and more comfortable in your own skin,
With an innate knowledge of the way things work.

Your roots have grown deep into the earth,
like an ancient redwood,
Or the solid foundation of a lighthouse.
Nothing can shake you,
No storm is too strong, for you have witnessed 
And braved many thru your years.

That energy of strength and wisdom 
Is your gift to the planet.
It is needed,
No, it is required for you to stand tall 
And proud in these, your later years,
And radiate the qualities and talents you have acquired.
The gift of age goes two ways,
It is your turn to give back!

Spiritual Survival Kit


If we were there with you on this earthly expedition
you’ve undertaken,
We would make sure we had our Spiritual Survival Kit with us at all times.

It’s not too heavy, 
the contents are invaluable
Yet it’s so easy to forget!

The number one item in this kit is:
Your sense of humor,
It will get you through any situation, 
no matter how tense, 
or unmanageable it may seem.
Without it you are doomed.
Well, maybe not doomed, but it will feel like it!

To help you find your sense of humor,
You may need to take:
A chill pill
Please have plenty of those on hand, and take as needed!
They will help you put situations into perspective 
and keep you from taking everything so seriously!
Don’t take them on an empty stomach.
They are to be taken with a big meal, with lots of good food
Maybe some wine,
And preferably many good friends!

Next is your map:
Your map is all the books 
and the like, that you have attended and participated
in your whole life.
The knowledge gained form those has accumulated
a vast network of internal discernments,
a sort of spiritual GPS.
Listening to that gut feeling
Will always get you back on track!

Finally your “flashlight”
That is the light you carry with you.
That light in your eyes when something excites you!
If you remember to carry that with you,
your path will always be illuminated.
Don’t let others dim your light,
By judging your path, 
Or questioning your ways.
These are the contents of YOUR spiritual survival kit.
They have their own!

Now go out there and have some great adventures
knowing that everything is always okay!

Different Perspectives

Different Perspectives

Morticia with her eerie kind of Zen serenity…

Heart Songs


What sound does your heart make?
When you enter a room?

Is it a singular sound, high pitched and shrill?
that transmits stress against your will?

Is it a layered tapestry of sound,
Where an abundance of different notes abound?

Is it too deep and low to hear?
Beneath the surface of a hard veneer?

We enter a room to find a match,
A heart to which we can attach.

So pay close attention to your heart’s broadcast,
If the notes are old, you’ll repeat the past.

The song of your heart will synchronize,
To the beat of another’s,
Don’t compromise.

Be diligent, delightful and wise,
Listen for the heart songs of others,
You’ll be surprised.

Soft Landing


Today is the day of landing into the energy
that started to come in December 2012.
So we suggest you set the intention for a 
soft landing.

By that we mean, 
get quiet and give this some thought.
These were big influxes of energy,
like waves, and many of you were knocked off your feet, 
and have been swimming as hard as you can,
just trying to keep your head above water.

Well, to stay with the wave analogy,
after today’s wave,
the tide is settling,
it is still deep and active,
with a big full moon,
but it has churned up your life enough,
and now starts to recede.

And with conscious intention, 
you can swim with very little effort,
back to shore,
or let the wave carry you back,
and deposit you.

Intend your soft landing.
Take into account all the changes that have
happened in your life in the last 8 months.
Bless them, for they are like the influx of fresh water 
that flushes out a stagnant pool.

All that matters now, today,
is that you give careful deliberation
in the energy of all this change, 
of where you want to land.

We would suggest you hit the ground running!
A little banged up, but none the worse for wear,
full of new ideas,
grabbing the hands of the others coming to shore.
Ready for this next adventure, 
because it can truly be whatever you 
dream it to be!

Weekend Wisdom

Weekend Wisdom

Don’t forget to feed your soul!

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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