sense of humor

Scary Clowns—A Super Deep Universal Truth Delivery System

“At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe that there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough, and what might seem a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey.” ~ Lemoney Snicket

Sunday morning dawned not with its usual slothful inertia, but with the same flurry of activity that had swarmed around me since he’d been admitted to Cedars Sinai late Saturday night. An endless stream of texts and phone calls double-teamed me, rendering me all at once distracted, informed, comforted, and overwhelmed. 

In a nutshell, after a week of spiking fevers, some as high as 102.6 degrees, at the urging of our indispensable doctor friend, Jeff, Raphael had finally agreed to stop under-reacting, and “Just go to the damn emergency room!” Thursday he’d been put on a pretty gnarly antibiotic but not much had improved. Come to find out, the bacteria that had spent the week ravaging his immune system was antibiotic-resistant. Cue the BIG GUNS. A drug so strong it took seven doctors to reach consensus to even prescribe it. It had to be given as an IV drip and his blood and urine had to be monitored. Around the clock. For at least the first three days of the nine-day treatment.

So much for the quickie emergency room visit we both believed would chew up maybe two hours of his Saturday afternoon. 

Clearly, we are two of the most clueless Pollyanna’s you’d ever have the misfortune to know. We also believe ice cream is good for you, dogs understand English, and the truth will always prevail. When you look up the word naive in the dictionary you see a picture of the two us, accompanied by the sound of uproarious laughter. 

Anyhow, it was all so unexpected and laden with fuckery that by Sunday morning I was feeling a bit…unmoored. So, you ask, what do I do when I feel like that?

Buy donuts.

Into Ralph’s I marched, wallet and keys in hand. Laser focused as I strode down the aisle, past the produce, past the dairy section, looking for…what was I looking for? Head down, reading a text that was attempting to explain something unexplainable to anyone without a medical degree, I suddenly remembered why I was there—donuts. Pivoting in place, I swung a hasty 180— promptly knocking over a free standing display of Peet’s coffee that only a few seconds before had been loitering there, minding its own business. Shit, shit, shit, shit! Laying on its side, its guts spilled everywhere, it shamed me as I bent over to pick up all the bags of Peet’s.

Get your head in the game, Janet! It sneered.
Get off your phone!
Slow down!
Pay attention!
You’re acting like the sky is falling, Chicken Little.
He’s fine!

That’s when I noticed the additional set of hands helping me pick up the mess on aisle five.

“Oh, thank you, I’m so clumsy,” I said, just assuming the hands belonged to a store employee. 

I could not have been more wrong.

Down on my knees, my hands filled with Peet’s, I looked up and smiled directly into the face of—a scary clown.

There we were, ten thirty on a Sunday morning, and a woman over six feet tall, wearing a bright orange wig, her face painted like the joker, was helping me pick up coffee!
Me: dropping the coffee—Holy shit! You’re a scary clown!
SC: I am.
Me: Well, thank you…scary clown…for…wait…how are you a scary clown?
SC: smiling through painted black tears— Because sometimes scary clowns are there when you need ‘em.


Scooping up the remaining bags of coffee, my brain surged into overdrive. How…why…what…huh?

Satisfied that the Peet’s coffee display would live to sell another bag, I brushed myself off and looked around only to watch the back of scary clown leave aisle five. “Thanks again!” I yelled, muttering the rest under my breath, “…freakin’ Sunday morning scary clown.

I think we can all agree, my life is absurd.

A random series of magical realities strung together like gumdrops, embellishing the Christmas tree that masquerades as my life.

Super deep universal truths delivered by scary clowns in supermarkets are absurd.

An antibiotic resistant bacteria that plays hide and seek for a week is absurd!

So is hospital food and compression socks and showers with non-existent water pressure. 

So is fear. Fear is absurd.

It’s all a fucking clown show my friends—but it’s my life.

Carry on,
Xox JB

Another “What The Hell Wednesday!”


Well, there you are WTHW! Jeeeeez, where have you been?

A reader of this blog recently asked, What the hell happened to What The Hell Wednesday?

What happened is this: I have to sit down and remember a freaky, mystical, WTH experience to write about OR one just comes to me…on a Wednesday…you know, like it does.

Last week was the tenth anniversary of my dad’s passing, and my aunt (his sister) wrote my siblings and me a lovely email remembering him.

In it she recounted the story of being at his bedside in the days before he died as he kept asking her,”Can you see her? She’s waiting for me.” He was referring to a sister of ours who had died at birth. Even though she was an infant, only living for thirty minutes after she was born, he saw her at the foot of his bed as the end drew near, as a little girl with blonde hair — patiently waiting to take him home.

When I wrote her back I assured her that his sense of humor was still intact on the other side,(she was wondering) and told her this story:

“I also have a Roy story to share:
In September 2005, six months after he died, Raphael and I went to Spain to ride motorcycles, one of the things that I remember him crying over the loss of, he LOVED to ride the wide open vistas, so we definitely have that in common.

One particularly gorgeous day, the temperature was perfect, there was the smell of coffee and bread and freshly mowed grass in the air, and the scenery was beyond description!

I pictured him riding shotgun with me on the back of the bike, taking in the views. “You see that dad, isn’t it beautiful? Use my eyes, take this all in.” I kept pestering him over and over. Still, I got the sense that he was really enjoying himself and his time in Spain (ha!).

One afternoon after once again inviting dad to ride along with me, I couldn’t feel him. After a few hours I realized he just simply wasn’t here. I was crushed. I’d been Sooooo enjoying our rides together.

Toward the end of the day as we crested a hill overlooking a verdant valley below with its quaint village of houses and their red tile roofs; thick black storm clouds hung in the sky and their farthest edges provided one of the most spectacular sun sets I’ve ever witnessed.

“Dad, are you seeing this?” I asked in awe, almost out of habit.

Then I heard his answer and it floored me.

He said:
“Janet, I’ve loved riding with you, and Thank you so much for the use of your eyes and Raphael’s super riding abilities. Although Spain is lovely, you’ve got to quit bothering me. If you could see what I see, every second of every minute, of every hour…well, honey, this pales in comparison.”

Then he gave me one split second’s view with his eyes.

My eyes immediately welled up with tears and my goosebumps got goosebumps. I will never be able to find the word to describe it. Colors I’ve never seen before. Beauty and music and…What a gift.

I know where he is is pure positive energy.

I know I (we) will see him again.

I know he is around us always, and when we think of him, like we are today, he puts his hand on our shoulders.

I know he’s proud of all of us, his love is unconditional.

I for sure know his sense of humor is intact.

I feel him around me and our family often (I actually have a closer relationship to him now than I did when he was alive).
I talk to him, and seek his council often on things regarding my brother and sister and me.

It is my belief that he still hold focus and great interest in the dealings of ALL of the family. He watches over every single one of us, and our shenanigans provide him with some good belly laughs (okay, maybe that just applies to mine)”.

I really do hold the belief that our loved ones don’t just evaporate into the ethers. They remain around us,(I beg my dad to stay out of my bedroom and shower — awkward.) Ready at a moment’s notice to intervene If. We. Ask.

And I’m learning that their personality traits only get sharper. My dad’s a regular comedian on the other side, with a show every night — two on Sundays.

What do you believe? Has a loved one visited you and given you advice or made you laugh? Do you feel them around you when you walk in nature or ride a motorcycle? Please share, I’d love to think I’m not alone here, and I promise not to put your story in a WTHW.(wink)

Carry on,


When you’re sad and when you’re lonely
And you haven’t got a friend
Just remember that death is not the end
And all that you held sacred
Falls down and does not mend
Just remember that death is not the end
Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end

When you’re standing on the crossroads
That you cannot comprehend
Just remember that death is not the end
And all your dreams have vanished
And you don’t know what’s up the bend
Just remember that death is not the end
Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end

When the storm clouds gather round you
And heavy rains descend
Just remember that death is not the end
And there’s no-one there to comfort you
With a helping hand to lend
Just remember that death is not the end
Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end

For the tree of life is growing
Where the spirit never dies
And the bright light of salvation
Up in dark and empty skies
When the cities are on fire
With the burning flesh of men
Just remember that death is not the end

Nick Cave – Death Is Not The End Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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