self improvement

Gaining Momentum

Gaining Momentum

It is very important that you are impeccable with your thoughts.
They are the propulsion behind the trajectory of your life.

If you are sloppy, your life will reflect that.
The same applies if you are fearful or timid.
It will feel as if you’re living a half life.

What you want to watch out for, are the thoughts that 
are self sabotaging.
They slow down your momentum.
Momentum is what you’re after these days.

Keep your thoughts focused on your desires,
with the finish line in your sights.
Paying very close attention to how you feel.
Do you go through most of your day feeling
empowered? Or defeated?
Do you feel as if the Universe works with you?
Or against you?
Do your desires seem attainable to you?
What is the first step in that direction?

The energy these days can really amp up the momentum behind
your desires.
It can act like a slingshot, helping you to reach maximum velocity.
All you have to do is monitor your thoughts and feelings.
Are you adding to that momentum, because
Negativity and self doubt acts like drag, it slows things down.

When you wonder why things are taking so long to manifest,
look no further than your own energy, your own thoughts,
then take some time to become impeccable.

Family Ties That bind

Family Ties That bind

Good Morning!

So many of you are living in emotional pain and anxiety
because you are trying to maintain a toxic family relationship.
And many of these are very one sided, YOU are the only one trying.

It is true that blood is thicker than water, but the blood that runs thru your veins
gives you life.
so does water.
Now water can also destroy. 
So can blood.
Just because someone is blood related does not give them the license
to destroy you.
To berate you,
To physically or emotionally hurt you,
To undermine you,
To withhold love intentionally.

A lot of you give them a pass.
Because they are family, they feel they have your undying allegiance,
And with that trust they manipulate you and cause you pain.
THAT is not love.

Whether it is your mom or dad, sister or brother, you must end that allegiance
when there is a lack of love and acceptance.
You all have harsh judges in your lives, they should not be your family.
Because if that happens as you grow and mature, 
and you feel you can never do or be enough, 
that translates into adulthood as self doubt, 
self loathing, 
constant feelings of inadequacy 
and total lack of self confidence.

We are advocating love and acceptance of these family members for who they are.
They may never change.
You may even find it in your heart to forgive.
But you must not tether your heart to people who do not deserve
that trust.

Chasing after the love of a parent will translate into a lifetime of chasing love.

You are better than that!
Your heart is precious and should be cherished.
Please know that, and honor yourself to the extent that 
You can step out of a hurtful family situation.

They are blood, but they are not your real family.
Your real family will uplift you,
They will love you even if you stumble.
They do not seek to humiliate or bully you.
They practice unconditional love.
Find THOSE people, and make THEM your family!

YOU Choose your Family

YOU Choose your Family

Find Your Piece of the Puzzle

Find Your Piece of the Puzzle

You came here to add your special “something” to the mix.
Your job is to find out what that is,
And do it!

You are one piece of a giant cosmic puzzle,
And you cannot be left out or the puzzle will be incomplete.

What do you bring to this world?
Is it your sense of humor?
Is it your ability to be kind?
Your gift with words?
The way your smile makes people feel?

You know deep down what it is you do better than anyone else.
You do!
It is the thing that makes you happy,
That makes your heart sing.

Can you tell a story better than anyone you know?
Are you fabulous with children?
Or animals?
Do you have a green thumb, where plants just love you?
Do you have a facility with language?
Beautiful handwriting?
Can you make a dress without a pattern?
Cook like a chef?
Repair almost anything with ease?
Sing with perfect pitch?
Remember people’s names?
Do you have a keen sense of direction?
Are you a whizz with numbers?
How about computers? Do you just love them?
Are you a natural born leader?
A gifted speaker?
Do you love to paint?

Are you an “uplifter”? Where you just make people feel good?
Are you funny?
Do you love to read? To exercise? 
Do you love to walk in nature?

Are you getting this?
It is the very thing you love, that you’re good at,
That is the gift you bring the planet.
Don’t get so bogged down with “life”
That you overlook or bury these treasures.
They may seem small and insignificant to you,
But they are the missing pieces to a very important puzzle,
And are needed now, more than ever!

You Are So Much More!

You Are So Much More!

So much more than flesh and blood
Than hair and bone.

More than father, mother,
sister, brother.

So much more than any job or lack thereof 

You are energy, eternal pure perfection,
Wrapped in love.

You wear this skin for such a short time.
It does not the essence of you define.

You’ve come here for the planets sake,
Leaving love and stardust in your wake.

You are so much more than it may appear,
Trust in that, just let that steer
you from mundane to miraculous,
And remember this is not a test.

You wanted to be here,
And now you know
You each make a difference 
you are so much more!!!

The Space Between

The Space Between

The space between each moment is filled with potential.
You look at this pause as empty, but it certainly is not!

The moment between awake and asleep is filled with possibilities.
That is where intention is set.

The breath before the kiss.
That is where love takes hold.

The breath before a single note is played, holds the promise of the 
entire symphony.

The space between lightening and thunder seems quiet,
yet the particles are dancing with electrical charges,
just about to clap.

At the starting gate, the moment before any race, 
There is a heightened awareness, every muscle in full
flex, the laser beam focus on the finish line.

The moment before the candles are blown out on each birthday cake,
There is the promise of a wish fulfilled.

Just before a baby takes its first breath and cries it’s first cry,
Eternity resides in that moment.

Space and silence are never empty.
They are ripe and resonate with the possibilities held in each moment.
If you can become conscious in that space,
You can steer the miracles that occur,
In the direction of your intentions.

Don’t ignore the space between,
Harness that energy 
and become the master of your life!

Save Today’s Peace

Save Today's Peace



The Attitude of Gratitude

The Attitude of Gratitude

Do you count your blessings everyday?
Even if you have to search your brain to find them?

In the midst of despair, this is your life preserver.
It will help you keep your head above water,
So you don’t drown in a sea of negative thoughts.

Turn it into a game, similar to counting sheep to go to sleep.
Answer each negative thought that goes by, with one of 
Appreciation and gratitude.

Every morning before you get up, in that place between awake and asleep,
And every night as you fall asleep, count your blessings.
This will shift the energy of the day you just had, or the one to follow.
It will put you into a place of receiving.
Receiving more of what you’re grateful for.

This attitude of gratitude is a very powerful way to shift your focus
from what looks wrong in the world, or your life, to what’s right.
And there is SO much that is going well!

Start slow at first, with simple things.
Focus first on your life, then as you get going, it will be easier
to move that focus out to your community, and then your county, and then the world.
And as chaotic and broken as this planet may SEEM to be,
there are endless things to be grateful for.

We usually give you a list to start you off, but if feels like you can take this
and run with it.
You’re alive! and awake! with the empty canvas of each day ahead of you.
Will you paint a picture of arduous hardship?
or one of splendid harmony with those around you, knowing how lucky you are, and just how many things are going RIGHT!

Are a You A Balance of Both?

Are a You A Balance of Both?

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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