What we mean by this is that
Out in your world right now
there are some boiling,
held within a seemingly porcelain veneer.
This can be confusing.
You are much more comfortable when
the inside matches the outside,
especially in regards to emotions.
You are witnessing cracks in the delicate
but useful way that certain people have
been able to mask their emotions, and operate
In the world.
When someone who looks to all the world as if they have it all together,
Starts to hiss vitriol thru a smile,
or a person who up until recently has been very measured,
all of the sudden is quick to anger, even throwing things,
and looks to be having a “meltdown”,
THAT can be disconcerting…
For you
And for them.
The healthiest, way for your mind and body,
Is always to feel your emotions in the moment.
We do not mean being their victim,
Or being a slave to them.
The goal is to feel them as they come up.
If you do, they stay appropriate.
By that we mean, there is no
“Over reaction” because things have not built
up and boil over at something trivial.
As we are always saying,
When you see this Tempest in a Teapot
Practice compassion.
When the flowers on the porcelain fade,
And the simmering of all their emotions,
causes the pot to crack or overflow,
or break altogether,
Have compassion,
Even if it is you!
If we were there with you on this earthly expedition
you’ve undertaken,
We would make sure we had our Spiritual Survival Kit with us at all times.
It’s not too heavy,
the contents are invaluable
Yet it’s so easy to forget!
The number one item in this kit is:
Your sense of humor,
It will get you through any situation,
no matter how tense,
or unmanageable it may seem.
Without it you are doomed.
Well, maybe not doomed, but it will feel like it!
To help you find your sense of humor,
You may need to take:
A chill pill
Please have plenty of those on hand, and take as needed!
They will help you put situations into perspective
and keep you from taking everything so seriously!
Don’t take them on an empty stomach.
They are to be taken with a big meal, with lots of good food
Maybe some wine,
And preferably many good friends!
Next is your map:
Your map is all the books
and the like, that you have attended and participated
in your whole life.
The knowledge gained form those has accumulated
a vast network of internal discernments,
a sort of spiritual GPS.
Listening to that gut feeling
Will always get you back on track!
Finally your “flashlight”
That is the light you carry with you.
That light in your eyes when something excites you!
If you remember to carry that with you,
your path will always be illuminated.
Don’t let others dim your light,
By judging your path,
Or questioning your ways.
These are the contents of YOUR spiritual survival kit.
They have their own!
Now go out there and have some great adventures
knowing that everything is always okay!
What sound does your heart make?
When you enter a room?
Is it a singular sound, high pitched and shrill?
that transmits stress against your will?
Is it a layered tapestry of sound,
Where an abundance of different notes abound?
Is it too deep and low to hear?
Beneath the surface of a hard veneer?
We enter a room to find a match,
A heart to which we can attach.
So pay close attention to your heart’s broadcast,
If the notes are old, you’ll repeat the past.
The song of your heart will synchronize,
To the beat of another’s,
Don’t compromise.
Be diligent, delightful and wise,
Listen for the heart songs of others,
You’ll be surprised.