Hello friends,
Pardon the interruption, but I couldn’t help but share this. If you’re one of my tens of Instagram followers you can go make yourself a sandwich because this is a repost from today, but if you don’t social media (good for you by-the-way) and you want to feel lucky take a look at this!
In the midst of this pandemic, I realize it’s easy to be infected with fear & fuckery.
But one thing I know for sure is that it’s just as easy to catch the good stuff and I truly believe magic is contagious. I believe that sharing it, talking and writing about it transmits it like a goddamn super-spreader!
So consider yourselves infected! Happy Friday you beautiful humans.
Sent with an embarrassing amount of giddy love,
Carry on,
“0h look, a dollar!”
I shrieked inside my head so as not to scare the dog.
I’d gotten the “hit” to walk an hour earlier than normal. And since it had been drizzling all night I also received the idea to take the road less traveled.
A paved path with only a slight chance of mud, it was a bit more out of our way, but I listened just the same.
Let me admit this right upfront—I’m someone who LOVES to find money. In coat pockets, crumpled up inside the car, but most especially—out in the wild.
That’s why I’ve maintained the practice of leaving wads of dollar bills on neighborhood sidewalks, next to the trash can at my local car wash, and on the floor of the produce department at Trader Joe’s.
I do it when I’m feeling “broke”.
It may not make sense to you but it shifts my perspective.
A lot.
I mean, you must have an unending supply of money if you can just throw it away like that! Right?
Besides that, I love how it feels to find money. It makes me feel lucky, like someone’s looking out for me.
Like I’m a magnet for blessings.
So you can imagine my glee when, after I took this picture, I realized it wasn’t a dollar bill after all, but a FIFTY!!
Y’all, all I can say is Follow your “hits”.
No matter how counterintuitive.
No matter how out of the way they seem to be taking you.
And feel lucky as often as you can. I swear this shit is magic.
Carry on,
xox Janet