
Finding Peace In A Chaotic World

“Pain is real, and sometimes it can’t be avoided, but suffering is a choice.”

I don’t think I have to explain why I’m writing this. Unless someone, a thousand years from now digs this up and wonders. So I’ll just let a single word be the explanation: Pandemic.

Scary, huh? I mean, seriously, 2020—can we have a do-over?

Anyway, until they figure out how to do that, here’s an hour-long chant/meditation that I adore that you can fall asleep to or have playing softly in the background while you build that puzzle or cuddle your cat.

Because that’s what we’re all gonna do now. We’re going to hit pause, be smart, chill, and get to the end of this, this, shit show—together. 

You can fight the restrictions, steep in worry, and run around town like a headless chicken looking for that last bottle of hand-sanitizer, OR, you can take this time to reintroduce yourself to your family, read a book, binge on every episode of EVERYTHING you’ve missed, and check on your neighbors. I’ve been exchanging contact info with mine (from six feet away of course) just in case the shit hits the fan and we’re forced to isolate. Isolation can be lonely and scary and I always have extra butter in case anyone runs out. And AAA batteries and so many boxes that I’m embarrassed to say how many, of Kraft Mac n cheese, you know, real zombie apocalypse type stuff.

Humor. Humor will get us through this. I’ve already tried screaming and it doesn’t work.

Stay healthy & carry on,

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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