
My Tribute


“When you learn, teach. When you get, give”
~Maya Angelou

I couldn’t let the day pass without paying homage to the Mother Earth, Goddess, poet, teacher, Maya Angelou.

They are paying tribute, as well they should, on all the media outlets today.
In the car on NPR this morning, I heard a hysterical story, told in her own deep, melodic voice, about waiting in an airport bar for her mother to arrive, and it made me tear up.
You could hear in her voice that the story tickled her.
Ah……that voice. Unmistakable. A real gift to her poetry, and the world.

I remember reading I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings when I was about fifteen or sixteen. It resonated not because I was a young black girl growing up in the Deep South, because that could not have been further from the truth, but because it spoke of freedom and self expression, two things I was desperately seeking in those days.

I just went to look at my dog eared, water stained copy and alas, I must have leant it to a friend.
Damn me and my book lending!

I collect quotes, as demonstrated by the Quotes page on this
Every wise thing ever said, I tend to attribute to Maya Angelou.

I had a friend (who has since passed) who knew the source of
pretty much every quote. She would joke that if she did get stumped, she’d attribute them to either Mark Twain or Maya Angelou and people wouldn’t blink.

The quote at the top about teaching, is one that comes to mind often, and it gave me permission to start the women’s group. When you learn, teach.
Thank you Maya Angelou.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
This one gave me permission to write this blog, so you have Maya Angelou to thank….or blame.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
One of my spiritual teachers would remind me, that when we die, we watch a movie style life review. There is no sound, just feeling. We have to re-live how we made others feel in every interaction of our life.
That’s some sobering shit, huh?

“You are enough.
This one’s like a haiku. Enough said.

“When someone tells you or shows you who they are; believe them the first time.”
OMG. This was my mantra in the dating world. I should have had that tattooed to my forehead. (Thank God I re-thought that.)
I was a serial benifitofthedoubt giver. But I eventually learned. When a cute guy, at a party, drink in hand, would ask me out and then quip “I’m not really the monogamous type, or I’m a bad boy, or you’re really not my type”, I learned, from this quote, to run for the hills.

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”
This quote is why I’m married. At forty two, love was so freakin tired from the decathlon that my hope was putting it through, it walked through a wall, and delivered to me….my husband. Whew!

Here are some of my other favorite pearls of wisdom from that greatest of life’s teachers, Maya Angelou:

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”

“If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love.”

“Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.”

“One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential.
Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.”

”I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.”

I’ll end with this one. So wise, so profound and so true.

“My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.”

God’s speed Maya (may I call you Maya?)



The Lost Art Of Humility

imageThe Lost Art of Humility

I saw an interview recently of a young, huge hit maker, music industry mega star. I can’t for the life of me remember who it was. For the sake of this post I will call that malady: menopause brain. It is similar to pregnancy brain, or so I’m told. I used to have total recall, but since 50 that has gone the way of perky boobs and flat abs.

Here’s a funny or sad story, you decide. I was talking to a friend the other day, on my cell phone, while rifling frantically through my purse, looking for my cell phone. I told her I had to hang up and try to find my phone, so could she please call it so I see if I could hear it ring? There was just silence on the other end. I’m sure she was dialing 911 on her land line. When I realized what was happening, I laughed so hard I almost pee’d my pants. Ugh… I’m turning into my mother.

Anyway….this young guy displayed a trait you don’t see much of these days in the mega famous. Humility. It was so refreshing, it was like a glass of ice water in hell.
He was asked how he felt about all his success, and he said: I would not be here if it weren’t for the people around me.


The interviewer pressed on: Well, what about this great thing, or that great hit? That’s just talent, right?
The very humble star continued: I had a music teacher in middle school that saw something in me, if he hadn’t, who knows where I’d be. I wasn’t good in school, I would have fallen through the cracks.
I had a mom that believed I was special. If she hadn’t, I might still be back in Virginia, doing who knows what.
I had a mentor, a producer that took a chance on my first CD. It wasn’t successful, but it allowed me to learn. If I hadn’t had that experience, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
Those people changed the trajectory of his life and he is forever grateful.
I fucking love that.
There are too many stars, too many successful people, that buy into their own hype. They start to forget how things began, how they evolved, and all the people and the steps it took to get to the top.
They have no desire to pay it forward. They pay tribute to no one. They are legends in their own minds, because everyone tells them they are. They are surrounded by “yes” men and women who are all on the payroll.
They can’t find the time to mentor; they’re too busy looking in the mirror.

We all are NOTHING without the people around us.
I’ll take it a step further. We are all CONNECTED.
As one person is raised up, we are all raised up.
Come on people, let’s all remember to look back and lend a hand.
To pay tribute to those that saw our potential, even when we couldn’t.
To affirm humility above bravado.
Don’t get me wrong, I love me some bravado when it’s earned, but for God’s sake, if you had a mentor; and you probably did; mentor someone in whom you see potential.
Pay it forward.

Success is tenuous and delicate. Don’t take it for granted.
I’ll say it again. We all are NOTHING without the people around us.
You know who they are. They give you the support, the confidence, the love, the big breaks. Give them some props man.

I had a music teacher, Ed Archer, who saw vocal potential. I had a sixth grade nun, Sister Mary Gabrielle, who instilled the love of learning and books. My mom said I could do anything, she was my mom so I believed her. My husband thinks I’m funny. He’s French and they think Jerry Lewis and the Three Stooges are funny and I don’t; but I’ll include him anyway. These are the ones that immediately come to mind, I know there are more. Stay tuned…

Tell me whatcha think. Who changed the trajectory of your life?
Who has been your biggest champion, believer, mentor?
Who saw/sees your potential?
I’d love to hear from you!


Currently Living A Numinous Life!

Currently Living A Numinous Life!

Yikes! Yeah! Wow! Whoa!

Wanted: Mentor

Wanted: Mentor

I’ve recently been bombarded by the realization that 

I’m guessing it’s because I’m at this crossroads in my life,
letting go of what I’ve been used to, my career as a jeweler and antique dealer,
and beginning to get real about devoting more and more time,
Well…basically…my life…to this new endeavor.

Here’s the tricky part.
I have NO idea WHAT that looks like!!
And…do you hear that sound?
That’s the sound of my feet dragging!

Remember me writing about not being good at some things?
Well, this is one of them.
I have NO idea how to go about reinventing myself.

So the idea, suggestion, kick in the head from the Universe lately has been
call in an expert, 
Get a Mentor!
Someone who has walked this path, has some guidance to offer,
and will help get my ass going in the right direction.

So….I meditated on that, and low and behold, 
one of my favorite spiritual websites, 
is offering a Mack Daddy mentoring program!

There was an extensive online questionnaire to fill out, 
so that I, the potential mentoree, 
could give them a sense of what I hoped to achieve,
and also to translate the gibberish in my head into the written word.
To say I’m confused is an understatement. 
My brain, where this subject is concerned, should be put into the witness protection program, far away, so as not to cause even MORE trouble.

The perfectly crafted questions where designed to give them a sense of me,
and for me to give them the reasons why I thought I should be considered for their program.
They are picking 9 people out of hundreds, maybe even thousands.

I hesitated a minute before I hit “send” and then the minute I did, I wanted to 
somehow yank it back out of cyber space, feet dragging behind me.

A week or so later was a 15 minute follow up telephone interview.
Where I kinda had fun with the questionnaire, 
I actually got nervous before the phone call.

Because… part of me turned into an eleven year old, and I wanted them to love me.

I wanted to answer all the questions with great wit and charm, say all the right things and be so incredibly engaging that an hour would go by and neither of us would notice because we were laughing at how much we had in common, and what a great addition I’d make to the team, and “oh hell, we don’t need to think about this, you’re in”!

It was the same feeling I had on blind dates when I was younger.
Then I got smart.
I realized that HE had to dazzle ME!
I needed to make sure HE was a good fit.
I could only be me, as authentic as possible,
then I had to pay attention and see what the guy had to offer.

So I approached the interview the same way.
I want a mentor, but it’s going to have to be a good fit.
I’ve already been turned down by one woman and I admire her for that.
She wants me to continue to write and send them to her and she’ll know if it’s right.
I like that!

I know I have a lot to offer, I’m not broken, I just need some direction.
Even while I’m waiting to hear back,
I’m going to continue “dating” potential mentors.
and I Know the right one will show up.

This worked pretty good when I was looking for a husband, 
He “saw” me, 
he “got” me, 
and as much as I wanted to dazzle him, 
he out sparkled me by a mile!
And that’s when I knew it was right.

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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