I participated in an interesting exercise last spring.
It was suggested as a kind of fact-gathering, first step.
Part of an online, open hearted, business school that I took.
What I did was to ask about thirty five people I respected, in the humblest way I could think of, to list my best qualities.
You know – for school.
I assured them it would be over quick, it was for my education – and we would never need to speak of it again!
At first you feel like a real assbite crafting such an email.
It could resemble an ego driven fishing expedition; but really, it wasn’t, and if you could get past the initial “yuck factor” and just write it from a place of heart-filled curiosity, it made it much easier to hit SEND…and I know people could sense that.
The idea behind this, in business speak, is that you can track the responses, and the ones that repeat enough to become your top three are your “greatest hits” so to speak – and those are the ones you could conceivably charge money for.
But what I garnered from this exercise went waaaaay beyond monetizing my personality.
1) If you have the balls to ask people you respect (and that’s an important distinction, don’t just ask every troll you find under a bridge) the emotional payoff is extraordinary.
Like crazy-pants, off the charts, good.
My people, were honest, to the point, and didn’t pander or sugar coat their response. Come to think of it, that’s probably why they’re my friends.
2). You get HUGE insight into YOU. In a really good way. Stuff you didn’t ever think about yourself.
For me, good listener was in my top three. Who knew? I would NEVER have guessed that.
Big talker, interrupter, chatty, conversation hog – yes.
Good listener? Not so much. That was a truly unexpected surprise.
3) It felt so damn good to be seen. And complimented.
I want to send that letter every year, just to bask in the feedback kind of good.
I felt everyone’s two minutes of attention all the way down to my big toe.
Why on earth don’t we tell people how we feel about them?
The aspects we admire. The things they do better than anyone else.
Without them having to write a dumb-ass email?
Why don’t we compliment those around us, letting them know what they’re doing right in the world?
So much rage comes from feeling unseen and unheard. It kills some people from the inside out.
We’ve become a society that is quick with the snarky review. Some of the stuff I see on Yelp or on blog feeds makes me cringe.
I like to write letters, emails or comments when someone does something right. Positive reinforcement I guess.
I just know how good it feels.
I’ll leave you with two things before I get off my soapbox.
Last Friday my husband made a bank deposit and it never showed up online. So therefore it never happened. You can imagine his anxiety level last weekend. First thing Monday morning he went into the bank with his hair on fire. Not really, he’s bald. But three days of wondering had left him “Where the fuck is my money?” curious.
Seems he had attached a deposit slip from another bank account at a completely different bank to the check…so the manager WALKED it two blocks over and deposited it into that bank.
He did WHAT?! Are you kidding me?
Above and beyond the call of duty – so hubby is writing a letter full of admiration to this guy’s superiors.
You gotta tell people when they’re awesome.
Number two is this: Take a minute and think of someone who would be the most surprised, who feels the most invisible, unseen and unheard – and send them a text or an email with a compliment. Doesn’t have to be elaborate. Just a short “I really appreciate what a good listener you are. Thank you.”
Trust me, it’s going to make their day. Maybe even their month.
Love you guys, I really do! You are loyal and insightful and obviously have very good taste in blogs.
Have a great weekend!