fresh start

Good Morning Meditation

Hi Guys,
As fucking fabulous as that Fuck That Meditation is, this is actually the one that I’ve been sending to friends and starting my mornings with for the last couple of weeks.

I recommend listening to this before your feet even hit the floor, eyes closed, maybe even using headphones. It keeps crazy-head at bay, not even letting it get a foothold.
…at least not until after lunch.

You don’t have to know Abraham or understand the jargon to get the benefits of this morning meditation.
To me it’s a cosmic reset. A head start on positivity. We all need that in this current energy, you know, so you don’t jump across the desk and punch your boss in the face, or go postal sitting in traffic during your family road-trip.

Enjoy your Sunday!
carry on,

NEW MOON IN GEMINI — We Are Finally Ready For Change!


* This is a brand new post by my latest astrology addiction: Kate Rose.
As I read it I just kept saying: AMEN and I think you will too.
We are all MORE than ready to make the changes required for our futures to begin — Can I get an AMEN?
Carry On you guys,


This new moon in Gemini on June 16th is all about finally being ready to embrace change!

We have had some very powerful full moons the past few lunar cycles, and while they tend to be most noticed because of their obvious effects on our lives, new moons are just as important because it is here that the seeds of change are planted.

New moons are very special times in astrology. While full moons call us to action and to step outside of our comfort zones, new moons tend to have us retreat and become more introspective. This is the time when we may crave solitude—especially enjoying quiet moments in nature.

It is also during the darkened skies that the seeds of change are planted.

This new moon on the 16th is very special, it comes right after our full moon in Sagittarius that was all about new beginnings. But new beginnings can be scary, and sometimes our egos question us as to if we are ready.

Next week, we will not only think we are ready—we will know we are.

We have been gathering information in the past few weeks since the last full moon, but because Mercury has been retrograde we haven’t been able to take what we’ve learned and either communicate that to others, or make the physical changes necessary to manifest it.

All that is about to change.

Gemini is about taking information and channeling that into positive action. Once Mercury turns direct we will begin thinking more clearly about all that we have been absorbing and learning the past few weeks. Topics that most likely will come up are long-term career goals—especially of an entrepreneurial nature, and romantic relationships.

Gemini is a sign that is quick-thinking and independent, they also are great self-starters, and usually do best multitasking. In combination with the new moon energy and Mercury just having turned direct we are going to be inspired to set off on our own career path. Maybe we’ve been considering starting up our own business, or begin working on a creative endeavor such as a writing a book. This new moon is going to give us the confidence and the get-up-and-go initiative to make our dreams a reality!

Gemini is represented by the twins, and embodies the ying/yang energy––it is also the sign of Twin Flames. Even the symbol of the sign is identical to 11, which is an important numerology aspect of the Twin Flames. This moon has the ability to shake things up a bit romantically; it’s best to take the next week or so and enjoy life as it currently is because things are about to change––and in a big way!

The ruling planet for Gemini is Mercury which turns direct on June 12th, but Mars will also be hanging out in that same sign. Get ready for some fireworks! Mars is the planet of passion, of decisive action and urgency. We are sick of being patient and in a week or so, it will be nothing but a distant memory (alleluia!).

Sometimes, we like to make quiet slow changes, like the past full moons. They were deliberate, mature, rational decisions. This time though, we will have grown tired of waiting, and realize that there isn’t much point in it any longer.

We will want the future to begin today!

For the first time in a long time we actually feel ready for change! Not only that, but we are clear about why we want it, and how best to manifest it. There is no sitting on the fence about this, our heads and our hearts are clear about what direction we need and want to move in…and we will feel the confidence in doing so.

We have been asking a lot of our hearts lately. We have been digging to the depths of them, removing the cobwebs and seeing what makes them tick. It’s been frustrating this past month because we haven’t been able to take our thoughts and feelings and put them to words. All that is coming to an end as Mars in Gemini is going to give us the drive and passion to say exactly what we want and what we are feeling.

The time for waiting has come to an end. Even though we usually tend to be more relaxed and calm at new moons, don’t be surprised if in the next week you find yourself unable to sleep. We are antsy at the exciting changes that we can feel are just on the horizon and within reach.

Although we feel peaceful and relaxed because we have taken the necessary steps to learn all we can, and to process whatever that means for us, we simply can’t wait any longer.

Not only are we ready for change, but we want it now.

New Moon Ritual:(You know me I LOVE a good ritual-JB)

While we can plant seeds of change in our minds and hearts during this time, it’s actually a wonderful time to manifest these dreams and wishes out into the universe.

What you’ll need:

A planting container, compost and soil, seeds of your choice, twine, paper and pen.

What to do:

On the paper write your intentions or wishes that you would like to come true––write from the heart. Then take the paper and fold three times, and tie the twine around the paper. Bury it into the dirt, plant your seeds and then water.

Meditate on the change that you would like to initiate; concentrating on accepting all aspects of it with an open heart.

As your actual seeds begin to grow so will your intentions that you set. Be aware that most of the seeds of change that are planted like this take at least three lunar cycles to manifest, so have patience with yourself and with the universe.

*Kate Rose is an artist, free-thinker, lover, writer, passionate yogi, teacher, mother, rule breaker and rebel. She can usually be found walking barefoot in the moonlight between worlds with the dreams of stars still hanging in her hair while swaying her hips to the music of life; smelling of sweet bourbon and honeysuckle. She lives for adventure and wakes each morning with the excitement of a new day waiting to unfold at her feet. She truly believes the best is yet to come and waits, with bated breath, to see what it may hold. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, and find more of her words on her website.

Full Moon In Sagittarius: Rock & Roll Into New Beginnings

“The full moon is a time to rock and roll, to push boundaries, to dive headfirst into the embers, the surf, the divine.” ~ Author Unknown

*I took this article by Kate Rose from the Elephant Journal—
It is full of juicy bits and good news. A MUST READ!
Trust me, I’m not a doctor.

The full moon in Sagittarius on June 2nd is a reminder that it’s okay if our life currently looks nothing like we thought it would—even compared to how it looked just a few months ago.

Know that all the pieces haven’t fallen together (yet), and though we’ve made some important decisions in the past few months, we have to make just one more: the choice to make a magical new beginning.

We have been through the ringer lately with the astrology of the past few months! Ever since those Pluto Uranus squares took the last hits at our old small lives back in March and shot it all to hell, we’ve been on the fast track to finding our authentic selves.

If we have done the work that we needed to, we are at the point now where everything that no longer was serving our highest self has finally been cleared away.

Only once the old is cleared away can the new begin to grow.

2015 truly is a transition year. Right now we are halfway to the amazing life we will all have by the time we ring in 2016. This year is not about unknown change or beginnings that come from nowhere. This is about seeing what was there all along but we just weren’t ready to until now. This is the final year since 2012 that will remake our lives in new and exciting ways.

We truly are dawning into the Age of Aquarius, and as a whole we are all being challenged to live our truths every single day.

New beginnings are scary, and they are supposed to be! If we weren’t scared, then it wouldn’t be able to provide us with greatness. But, we are ready too. It’s been a long time coming, and even though the possibility of new jobs, new living arrangements, or even new relationships may have us skip a beat at times, know that the universe won’t bring us anything that we’re not ready for.

Sagittarius is the sign of optimism, vitality, and good intentions. Anything started during this time period will be supported by the good fortune of this sign. This full moon is occurring right in the middle of a Mercury Retrograde.

Many people still think that to have a retrograde means the need to hide underneath our covers for three weeks, but this simply isn’t the case.

A retrograde is really just a slowing down of the planet, so we are asked to slow down as well. We are asked to feel instead of think, to follow our hearts—wherever it may lead us. In this case, Sagittarius is there letting us know we are on the right track.

It’s giving us a quiet, optimistic burst of confidence to move forward.

One month ago we had a full moon in the sign of Scorpio, the sign of death and endings. It is only fitting that one full lunar cycle later we are blessed with the chance for magical new beginnings. Because of the retrograde, and Venus being so active in our skies right now, we may be significantly drawn to pursue romantic love—particularly those from our past as Mercury dares us to seek out the one that got away.

Mercury and this full moon are asking us, “What if the one that got away came back?”

For the next few weeks you may find yourself inexplicably drawn to an old flame—go with it.

This full moon is only encouraging us to do what is in our hearts already, and though starting new things isn’t recommended during a retrograde—getting together with an old love from our past is.

This time it’s all about reviewing what we missed the first (or second) time.

We are being fully supported right now by this full moon to lead our lives with truth and passion.

We are being asked to not hold ourselves back, but to listen to the individual sound of our heart and follow it. When the moon is in Sagittarius we all are being inspired to embrace our free spirit and our desire for freedom. During this time following the rules may become difficult, especially for those with a great deal rigidity in their daily lives.

It’s as if we are being asked to embrace our wildness, and to lead our lives as authentically and honestly as we can.

This full moon will be driving us outside in the warm June air as well. Sagittarius loves all sorts of outdoor pursuits, and this is the perfect time for it. Nighttime bonfires, camping trips, or last-minute road trips are all possible right now, since this moon is helping us to seize all of the amazing opportunities that may be coming our way.

The full moon in Sagittarius is giving us the confidence to say “yes” to everything in our lives. We are being asked to take a chance, and make that new beginning. We are being asked to not let a moment pass by in this wonderful life, but to seize each and every opportunity for happiness and adventure.

We are being asked to follow our hearts and fall into great love.

We are being asked to take all the lessons we’ve learned in the past few years, and start something new.

We are being given the chance to make a new beginning, because honestly—there is no time like now to go after what we want.

About the author:
Kate Rose


Kate Rose is an artist, free-thinker, lover, writer, passionate yogi, teacher, mother, rule breaker and rebel. She can usually be found walking barefoot in the moonlight between worlds with the dreams of stars still hanging in her hair while swaying her hips to the music of life; smelling of sweet bourbon and honeysuckle. She lives for adventure and wakes each morning with the excitement of a new day waiting to unfold at her feet. She truly believes the best is yet to come and waits, with bated breath, to see what it may hold. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, and find more of her words on her website.

Ending, Beginnings & Energy – The End Is Where We Start From


What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.
– T. S. Eliot

The End is where we start from…hmmmmmm…

Yesterday was about endings; and about calling my power back. I have to walk the talk, right?

For over two weeks I was so knotted up about it that I had knitted a virtual car cozy, a sweater the size of a car cover inside my gut.

You see, I had decided to put what was left of my dearly departed store into auction; all of it; lock, stock and vintage submarine lights.

Just like Daniele wrote about yesterday, (the timing for me was uncanny) it was time for me to call my power back to me; BUT the hang up was this: at the intersection of empowerment and the past; I kept meeting up with my old energy.

Like some goody-two-shoes a-hole who never forgets an uncomfortable incident; or an appointment; my energy would persistently meet me — right where I left it — back in Victim-Ville 2009.

But since I’ve changed so drastically since that time we were not a match anymore and it really started to feel like shit.

So I avoided going there.

I let the remaining items sit at different stores around the city on consignment, and I paid them NO MIND; because they brought back horrible memories that would instantly knock me out of whack, make me feel bad about myself, and force me to eat Fritos by the fistful.

Every fucking time. That sticky, stinky, shitty, loser energy met me there.

That is a law and the sooner we all realize that, the faster we can shift it.

Here’s how it works:
If you had a fight in a restaurant, the next time you go back there, the minute you give your car to the valet you’ll feel that gut-punch; because your energy is the guy that opens the door and greets you there “Welcome back, we’ve been waiting here for you .


How many times have you had a bad experience with the place that services your car, or the dry cleaners; only to have it repeat itself over and over?

I remember when I went to auditions back in the day; there was a big casting agent on Sunset who was nice as can be, but I NEVER booked a job there. After a while, my disappointment would meet me at the door with its Cheshire grin, making sure the casting session was doomed.

So if you meet your energy where you left it— how can you change that?

First, by being aware of it, recognizing that it’s your low expectations, your disappointment, or your painful past that is causing the gut-knot.

Also, time has passed and things have changed. You’ve changed. Right?

When you do that, you can rewrite the story, and while you’re at it you can make sure it’s a much better one. It’s the story of how you called your power back; how inanimate objects, buildings and even people have no power over you — and that you’ve moved on and left no forwarding address.

It’s easier said than done, it took weeks, but that’s what worked for me you guys.

I had a real Come to Jesus with myself (I’ve been doing that a lot lately) where I told myself that inertia was no longer acceptable. Neither was settling, acting like a victim, or being broke.

For Godsakes woman it’s been five years, the statute of limitations on powerless victimhood has expired! Round up all that stuff, take all your old juju off of it by remembering how good and exciting it was to purchase it in the first place, and SELL IT! Go call your power back to you and then be done with it!

Even though I seldom take my own advice, I woke up yesterday, the day everything was getting picked up, with no knot. For once…and for all.

The day could not have gone any better. It went faster, smoother and was more organized than I’d ever imagined. Obviously, my loser energy had flown to Vegas to cause some real trouble.

As I drove away feeling newly empowered, reborn, like a Phoenix from the ashes, it made me remember all the times that the energy that met me — was good. It does work both ways ya know.

So I’ve re-written that story, the story of the store and the flood, and in the new version the auction results five years later — are AMAZING!

So the end is where I’ll be starting from — a new beginning,  a fresh start.

Where does your shitty energy never fail to meet you? How can you re-write your story and regain your power? Do you believe you need an ending to have a beginning?

Lets talk.

Carry on,



You Can Come Out Now…


My Peeps,
That was a doozy of a Mercury Retrograde. But it’s OVER!
It’s safe. You can come out now!

It felt to me like everything old and unwanted circled around, bitch-slapped me and then left. But not without giving me the finger first!


Let’s all shake it off and get back to the business of being Happy.

Carry On,

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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