
Twenty Five Things You Don’t Know About Me

This is a me at about nine I think. Rockin’ my groovy Beatles haircut and braces—and side-eye.

Who is she? You ask yourself after being referred to this blog by a friend of a friend, of a friend, of a friend.

Who is this person who writes about love and loss and everything in between?

What are her credentials? (None, you only need hands and a brain to start a blog—and seriously, both of those are questionable).

Why does she do it? (The truthful answer is: I have absolutely NO idea— I just freaking LOVE it!).

In the beginning, I didn’t need to introduce myself. I had thirteen followers that were pretty much all family and friends, many who had seen me naked.

Now there are new people. People I‘ve just met and some I don’t even know, so…
In an act of foolish self-disclosure here are twenty-five things you don’t know about me.

  1. I can’t whistle.

  2. Or snap my fingers.

  3. I LOVE to sing karaoke show tunes.

  4. I have a very low tolerance for liars.

  5. I get carsick in the back seat.

  6. I hate card games and most board games. (It’s an attention span thing).

  7. I had Scarlet Fever and missed most of first grade.

  8. I wanted to be a nun in sixth grade.

  9. I did some TV commercials when I was in my twenties.

  10. I see Angelyne, a Los Angeles icon, out and about all the time!

  11. I am a huge SiFi geek.

  12. I read mostly non-fiction.

  13. I don’t think I’ve gone a day since I was five without nail polish on my toes.

  14. I have amazing eye-hand coordination.

  15. I’m a very weak swimmer.

  16. I have a fear of open water at night. (Just writing that makes my butt pucker).

  17. I was once mistaken for a Parisian—in Paris—by another Parisian! (Something I’m very proud of).

  18. Cilantro tastes like soap to me.

  19. I once melted a rubber spatula in boiling hot caramel while making candy and contemplated NOT throwing it out. (I did toss it—after I laughed myself senseless).

  20. I am a sucker for all things Christmas.

  21. I pierced my ears myself all eight times. (And I had a navel piercing done by a professional).

  22. I could read before I entered kindergarten.(No Tolstoy, just Cat In The Hat).

  23. I am in the Who’s Who of American High School Students 1976 edition.

  24. I used to bake cakes and cookies for work at Christmas—and watch George Clooney devour them while we talked.

  25. I can grade a diamond.

Do you feel as if you know me a little bit better? Anything else you’re curious about? Just ask!

I’d love to know more about YOU guys. Tell me one thing you don’t think anyone knows.
It’ll be our secret.

In the meantime…
Carry on,

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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