
Some Notes to Self


He was adorable and sweet as hell, but not that smart and after a while I got bored. I needed some intellectual acrobatics.
Note to self. They can be pretty, but I need some MENTAL stimulation occasionally too.

He introduced me to jazz. He had accumulated the most elaborate vinyl collection of jazz I’d ever laid ears on.
Miles Davis, Coltrane, Mingus, and Brubeck. Hours and hours of rain on the roof and piano riffs. It was heaven, Eventually, I tried to introduce him to Sting, and Seal. Even The Beatles. But he wasn’t having it—so neither was I.
Note to self: I love to be introduced to new things, but I also love making introductions.
I like to call it Two-way-streeting, .

He was an AMAZING cook but he had no money.
And by no money I mean NONE. Moths flew out of his pockets on a regular basis. So, he’d rack up $300-$400 dollars a week of bills at Whole Foods on my credit cards — and I’d come home from work to a culinary masterpiece EVERY night. Unless he could figure out a way to make food that great on something less than the budget of a small country (he could NOT), we were doomed.
Note to self: I will do almost anything for a good meal. Except go broke. I can live on peanut butter in a pinch. But not in a cold cardboard box. Just saying’

He was king of the jerks, but so funny my sides still ache from laughing.
One day I was laughing so hard I didn’t realize that The Chump had dumped me. Ouch.
Note to self: Chumps are chumps even if they haven’t chumped YOU — yet. It’s just a matter of time. And jokes aren’t funny when they’re at your expense

One of my ex’s had such a great job and made so much money he probably owns a small country by now. But workaholics seldom come up for air. And by air, I mean the rest that life has to offer.
Note to self: I love ambition — but I also love vacations, uninterrupted dinners, conversations, and movies. You get the idea.

I was so nuts for a guy that one summer we took off for Europe, got Eurail Passes and trained around for a month.
Turns out some people don’t like sightseeing, or people in small towns in Italy who don’t speak English, or packing and unpacking, or food that tastes different — or trains for that matter.
Something I guess you don’t know until the excitement wears off and you’re 7000 miles away from home.
Note to self: Never leave the country with someone you’ve never spent 24/7 with. And learn to be okay on your own.

So it sounds like I had one hell of a bad streak (25 yrs) in the love department.
Au contraire, mon Frere.

I took those notes to self — gathered them up — and crafted the best man for me. And after years of tireless research — he eventually came around.

After a while it became clear to me that what I needed was:
Sweet and cute
expert or aficionado at something
good cook
funny and kind
good job, mildly ambitious, but still lives life.
Good traveler. LOVES to travel.

Good to know, right?
You know you can do this for ANYTHING. What you DON’T want leads you to what you DO want.

I hear people, sure, bitter people, but still people who say that relationships that don’t work out were just a waste of time. I couldn’t disagree more! It’s not a waste of time.

It’s an education.

About who YOU are and what you like.

You know, invaluable stuff like that!

Carry on,


Finding Clarity, My Sloppy Journey —Throwback


Ahhhhhh clarity…my elusive friend.

Gaining clarity.
Getting clearer on what I want and where my path is taking me.
Often, no make that always, knowing what I DON’T want, brings what I DO want that much more into focus.

Trial and error. Success and failure. Happiness and despair. They all bring clarity.
After I thought about that for awhile I made a list:

I got disappointed into clarity
I got frustrated into clarity
I got angered into clarity
I fumbled my way into clarity

I ran toward clarity
I commando crawled toward clarity
I skipped joyfully into clarity
I’ve been dragged into clarity

I found my footing on my way into clarity
I danced my way into clarity
I stumbled my way into clarity
I lost my footing on my way into clarity
I fell headfirst into clarity

I prayed myself into clarity
I chanted my way into clarity
I meditated my way into clarity
I hiked my way into clarity
I exercised myself into clarity

I lost friends on my way into clarity
I made new friends on my way into clarity
I lost jobs on my way into clarity
I got hopelessly lost on my way into clarity

I cried my way into clarity
I shouted and screamed my way into clarity
I slept my way into clarity
I got scared into clarity
I lost money on my way into clarity

I resisted my way into clarity
I argued my way into clarity
I changed my mind to find clarity
I took advice to gain clarity
I shunned advice on my way into clarity

I read books to find clarity
I listened to talks, music and Oprah to find clarity.
I reinvented to find clarity
I talked my way into clarity
I found out who I really was to gain clarity

I had luck on my side on my way into clarity
I hustled, whined and begged in order to gain clarity
I had magic with me to show me clarity
I laughed my way into clarity

I made mistakes on my way into clarity
I fucked up big time on my way into clarity
I may have gotten fucked on my way into clarity
I got better glasses in order to find clarity

I gained insights on my way into clarity
I was loud on my way to clarity
I was silent on my way to clarity
I realized I didn’t know shit on my way into clarity

I’ve had great, inspired ideas on my way into clarity
I’ve had sucky, horrible ideas on my way into clarity
I’ve been funny on my way into clarity
I’ve been completely humor-free on my way to clarity

I’ve been exhilarated on my way into clarity
I’ve done the “dead man walking” Zombie limp into clarity
I created my way into clarity
I destroyed my way into clarity

I got annoyed into clarity
I joined the crowd on my way into clarity
I bucked the status quo into clarity
I became still enough to find clarity

I loved my way into clarity
I followed the signs into clarity
I ignored the signs on my way into clarity

Then I lost it…
And every single time—I started over.

Carry on,


Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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