The most charming and interesting social experiment has been taking place
In. My. Front. Yard.
About three years ago I saw a picture on Facebook I think, of a bucket full of magic wands, made from dried flowers from the garden, which I thought was so clever, I just HAD to borrow the idea, because….
That is SOooooooooo up my alley.
I’d use a magic wand AND I’d wear a tiara every day, even on a Thursday, even with jeans, if I could get away with it.
We really need some magic in the world right now.
So, I cut my agapanthus in the summer, when they’re done flowering, and I put them in a bucket marked:
I live on a tree lined residential street, where contrary to to popular belief, people really do walk in LA.
Neighbors walk their dogs and young families stroll their kids when things cool down around dusk, so I had me some high hopes about the wand reaction.
The first year…meh. Reaction was tepid.
They just sat there. My wands of magic.
I was very disappointed.
‘Fine, more magic for me.’
Last year, the wands got a little better reaction, but if ten were in the bucket on Monday, five were still there on Friday.
I saw people look at them, AND KEEP WALKING. Can you believe that shit?
Magic wands.
There for the taking.
I was gobsmacked.
When I put the bucket out a month or so ago, I had to have a little talk with myself.
I had to remind me about the nature of people, and the too cool for school factor, and how some parents don’t want their children to believe in such a thing as magic (or carry around a spiky dead flower.) But I put it out anyhow.
To my delight, this year has been extraordinary!
I can’t keep the bucket filled.
There were eleven in there yesterday morning and when I went out to run an errand at three….gone.
The other night when one of my friends came by, she sat in her car and watched a family, a mom and dad and two small kids, very deliberately and gleefully choose just the right wands. That makes me want to cry.
I can’t keep the neighborhood stocked in wands!
Magic is rampant here in the City of Angels.
I wore everybody down, until they could resist no more.
“Magic wands for everyone!” cried no one in particular – but, I understand supply and demand, and there’s a run on wands, so I may have to cut some of the neighborhood agapanthus late at night while they sleep.
I don’t want summer to end, because that signals the end of the wands of magic.. *sniff, *sigh….
Maybe next year I’ll paint them gold or add glitter! (that just made my heart race, seriously)
Love Janet the Good Witch,
Happy Friday Everyone!
In case you’d rather listen