*Stepping out of the shadows; no more lies; no more hiding; no more cloak and dagger. Time for the fresh air of truth to come sweeping in and cleaning out the cobwebs so we can just get the hell on with our lives!
Am I right?
I’m turning over every rock right now you guys,(check out The Observer’s Voice Facebook page for an essay about the 888 energy from yesterday), to make some sense of the last couple of weeks.
Many of you have been commenting, emailing and texting me all of your what the fuck’s? and I’m right there with ya baby, in the thick of it too!
So…A lot of this resonated, some didn’t, but that’s okay, you know the drill: Take what feels right and disregard the rest.
Hang in there guys, we’re rounding the bases, headed for home.
Sending lots of love, hugs, and slaps on the ass your way,
Combining Head and Heart and Astrology Forecast August 9-15
By Leo Knighton Tallarico
We are working our way through an important turning point in our lives. This past week, since Saturn went Direct on August 2, has brought us to a shift in our consciousness and life. For some this may be rather subtle energetically, but for others it is much more obvious.(um, yeah!)
Perhaps something has come to light that you were not fully aware of before; or perhaps an event happened that turned your thinking; perhaps someone else has revealed something about themselves or you that you were not fully aware before. Maybe a light switch went on in your mind or heart that shows you the way to go now.
This turning point time period will give way to a sense of new beginnings after the New Moon in Leo on Friday August 14. That New Moon will be at 10:53 AM EDT.
The lunar cycle begun at this New Moon in Leo will lead to a very important lunar cycle that will begin at the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Virgo on September 13. The Solar Eclipse will be followed by a powerful Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Aries on September 27. That is called by some a Blood Moon as it is the 4th Lunar Eclipse in row that is a Total Lunar Eclipse, a rare occurrence.
And all 4 of these Total Lunar Eclipses happen on sacred Jewish dates.
And this turning point we are moving through now- included Saturn going Direct while making close aspect to Jupiter, Venus and Mercury- all right at Israel’s natal Mars placement.
So something is really stirring around Israel. And this last week during this turning point time, much has been happening with the Iranian nuclear deal, a deal that is passionately opposed by Israel.
One of Israel’s top officials commented this past week that Israel is considering bombing Iran’s nuclear facilities regardless of this deal that was struck with UN countries.
That would likely touch off a major Middle East and perhaps world conflict.
Iraq, Libya, and Syria are suffering largely because of foreign invasions or influences, and the Islamic State is strongly influential now in those and other countries in the Middle East.
And President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran is also being challenged by hawkish elements in the USA Congress, in Iran, in Israel and other countries.
Look for more clues, signs and synchronicities this week to tell you what may be coming to the Middle East and elsewhere during the upcoming Eclipse Season.
And this is also true for your own life. The turning point time period will shift into Drive Gear at the New Moon in Leo on August 14. But before Friday keep in mind we are in the last quarter phase of the Moon’s cycle.
So this week before the New Moon in Leo, we will be picking up the emotional pieces from the last few weeks, processing our experiences, and getting ourselves ready for renewed action and greater intensity. Do your best to not let energies of depression control you before this New Moon, but nevertheless allow your soul to come down into its truth even if that truth will tend to “bring you down”.
We have been getting more into our heart and its wisdom and connections during these last few weeks. With a New Moon in Leo and Mars going into Leo on Saturday August 8, there is still going to be a strong focus on heart and creative energies.
What makes your heart sing, what and whom is your heart into, how much can you open your heart to express the authentic being that you are by nature? How much can you improve your self-expression and self esteem-enough to put the controlling ego in the back seat of your life?
But along with this heart emphasis we will be integrating the earthy mental vibes of Virgo. Mercury went from Leo to Virgo this last Friday August 7 and Jupiter will enter Virgo (where it will stay for about a year) this Tuesday August 11.
Virgo is the sign after Leo, and as such it tends to humble the Lion’s big roar of pride. Virgo can also bring some shame to the bravado of Leo, its self focus and its big-hearted honesty. Sometimes big-hearted honesty can hurt others like when a little child passes an overweight person and says “look mommy at that fat man”. Honest and innocent but not aware of its effect on others.
So be ready as we begin to get more Virgo influence of needing to combine more your head with your heart. Your head is your heart’s important advisor and needs to be consulted on important matters. And with Mercury ruling the head of mind and communication, its loves to be in Virgo.
Virgo analyzes, finds “what’s wrong with this picture”?, and generally brings one down into the details of cold reality.
So watch for “reality” to begin to come more into play now, and for a greater need to fix or heal what has been broken or injured.
Jupiter in Virgo will make expansive energies be more grounded in practical and logical ways. Inspiration will need to combine with needs to manifest, not just fly into new ideas that are never earthed.
There will need to be more order to one’s aspirations and dreams.
This may sound like a “downer” to some free spirits. But if you want your spirit to serve your purposes for being here on this Earth at this important time, then you will get some help over the next year to make that more real.
Keep in mind also this week that Venus is still Retrograde and will be until September 6. At this turning point time period, there will tend to be new insights and light shone on important relationships and their patterns and habits.
As you move through this New Moon in Leo, you will be driving your life car forward even if you do not completely know what has recently shifted in your important relationships. Since the turning point is passing, this New Moon will be bringing you forward into a more certain relationship destiny, even if much still needs to be revealed to your conscious mind.
Till next week,
Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full-time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 30 years.