My Unapologetic Apology Tour

My Unapologetic Apology Tour

Simply put, it means, to improve your current station in a way that feels like a powerful shift. And, it starts with a change in thought, a shift in mindset, followed by brave action.
~ Urban slang diction As you may have noticed, I haven’t posted anything in forever and that had me feeling bad.

As many of you have noticed, I haven’t posted anything in forever and that had me feeling bad.

I was about to go on an extended apology tour, one meant to explain the extended time-lapses, over-scheduling, and under-delivering.

Truth be told, I haven’t had a second to spare because I’ve been doing this new thing called “leveling up.”  Maybe you’ve heard of it?

For me, it started with the thought of changing my website to a place that showcased more than just my writing.  The time had come (even though I’m told websites are becoming obsolete, holding second place to social media which makes me want to gag) and that soon, people will just send pictures and resumes via telepathy. Now, that’s something I can get behind.

That was followed by an internal battle that would have put The Game of Thrones “Red Wedding” to shame.

I was shocked to discover how dug-in I’d become.
How rigid.
How one part of me wanted everything to stay the same. Blog-centric, nothing more. And that I’d kinda lost touch with the other part. The part of me who knew the time had come to shake things up, progress, pull up my big lady pants, join the 21st century, and get a real website.

The decrepit, shy-not-shy, old fart in me cried in protest.“NO!!!! Then they’ll know my name and (gulp) see my face!” SHE was more than ready to die on that hill. I would say SHE was coming unhinged only I’m not so sure she was ever that hinged to begin with. 

“Fuck you! You’re doing this!” The bravest part of me, My inner pirate, roared as it straightened its sequin eye patch. Then it called my favorite branding expert and spent dabloons like it was freakin’ Jack Sparrow.

And that is when the craziest, most bananas thing in the world happened. I started to care. Like a lot. This was my moment to shine. To show the truest version of myself to the world. To live my largeness.

And as is usually the case, there was no template for that!

“No problem, we’ll create one.” we squealed.

“Hold my beer,” answered Mercury who was spending the month walking backward.

I hate this! I cried, after being told that nice women don’t flip the bird on the introduction page or have the word fuck in their copy, well, ever.

So I did it anyway.

Ta Da!  Instead of an apology tour, I’m here to announce my new website:

It’s all there (or will be soon). The blog, pictures, my mentoring programs, even a short video.

Warning: There’s some flipping and some cursing but you already know me so I know you’ll be just fine.

Continue to Carry on,

xox JB

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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