To Love Is To Be Vulnerable – Love Anyway

To Love Is To Be Vulnerable – Love Anyway


My BFF and I are on a crusade. While operating inside this crazy world, we’ve decided to ‘be love in the room’, which may sound easy but it’s not. It’s Mt. Everest level challenging.

First, you have to know what love is. Second, you have to be prepared for peoples’ reactions…but that’s a story for another day. 

This is from 2014 but hey, I think we could all use the reminder. To love is to be vulnerable. LOVE anyway!
Carry on,

Dear Hearts,
Have you ever loved someone so deeply you thought you might die?

That you would become immersed, completely consumed and drown in the depths of that feeling of connection?

Have you loved so intensely that it made your toes curl, your hair go straight, your skin glow, your fingernails grow, your personality improves, and your temper take a hiatus?

Did you get thinner and more beautiful just because that love permeated every cell of your being? (Also because you were so lovesick you couldn’t eat.)

Did you love so completely that you had the superpowers of infinite selflessness, the need for virtually no sleep, and constant adorable-ness?

Did that love make you a better person?

Could you tell a better story? Suddenly remember the end of jokes? Cook the perfect omelet? Remember birthdays? Balance your checkbook? Say please and thank you? Sleep without drooling? Laugh when things were funny, cry when they were sad?

Were you able to be unfiltered, unguarded and uncensored because of that love?

Did the constant sex render your face more open, your eyes more loving and your skin softer?
It does that you know.

When you loved so intensely — wasn’t the world a better place?

You didn’t care about lines and traffic, they just gave you more time to get lost in thoughts of your beloved.

When that love intoxicated you, wasn’t everyone beautiful?

Didn’t that homeless guy and the lady on the bus stop want to make you weep because suddenly you had new eyes that were able to see their soul?

Love does that too.

When that love ended—did you regret you had ever felt it?


Love, love, love, 


Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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