Motivational Reminder Or Relentless Bully?

Motivational Reminder Or Relentless Bully?

“Are you waking up feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and insecure for no apparent reason?
A nagging knot in your gut, a panicked feeling rushing upside you, an unpleasant heat flushing your cheeks?
Yeah, well, you’re not alone.

The period from October 31-December 31 is the darkest time of the year, when the veil between Earth and the Spirit World is at its thinnest…

Forcing you to confront what your soul truly needs to thrive as we close out the year.

It’s a beautiful and natural process in our evolutionary spiral upwards. 

We’ve been sitting in this shadowy energy for a week and while it may feel a bit intense and uncomfortable now…

Just. You. Wait.”*

OR, or…

Is your Apple iwatch, with all of it’s good intentions disguised as motivational “nudges” feeling more like a relentless bully— or your mother? Here’s what I mean.

Breathe. (Uh, I am. I least I thought I was. I am watching Black Mirror so maybe I forgot.)

Time to stand Up. (I’m pooping, so no. And I’ve noticed your timing is a bit sinister. Do you have a hidden camera that I don’t know about?)

But my all-time favorite is: Close Your Rings. (I don’t know who set my rings, but if I find that sadistic triathelete—I will hide their spin-bike shoes and force-feed them carbs.

You’re usually further along by now. (I know! But today I’m sitting on a plane. I have a leg cramp, the guy next to me is Ebola patient zero, and I have to pee but my husband, who is seated next to me on the aisle, just fell asleep. But hey, thanks for the reminder—asshat.)

Keep it going. You did better yesterday. (Really? I did a lot of things better yesterday. Yesterday I made a pot roast, booked a mammogram, and shaved my legs. Yesterday will go down in the record books as a banner day. Not all days are as stellar as yesterday and life is full of disappointments so, back off—or I will cut you.)

Janet, you’re so close. A brisk 16 minute walk should do it. (Okay. I hiked 3.5 miles this morning. Up hill. With the dog. You can just kiss my ass you judgy fuck—no brisk walking will be happening for the rest of the day. Get over it. And don’t call me Janet like we’re friends or something.)

I know I seem testy but these motivational reminders are relentless. And irritating as hell, reminding me several times an hour what a dismal failure I am at standing, moving, even breathing!

I don’t know how you guys feel but I cannot express my feelings strongly enough.

You’re a damn watch! Mind. Your. Own. Business.
Nobody wants your special brand of “motivation”. And if you can’t say anything nice, how about if you don’t say anything at all!

Oh, and maybe for the next two months, you know, during these darkest of dark times, with the air already thick with anxiety, we should all ditch our iwatches—at least until we feel emotionally strong enough to fight back. 

Carry on,


Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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