What Is Your Favorite Thing About Earth?

What Is Your Favorite Thing About Earth?


What is your favorite thing about earth?
I’m a muller. I like to mull things over. And I like lists.  Over the past five-ish years I’ve posted lots of lists. Things I love, things I don’t love, books I like, even…

What will you miss when you go?

A short time before her death, the great Nora Ephron closed her book, I Remember Nothing with her list.  I’m including it below because I agree with most of it with only a few exceptions. I would change the New York references to something quintessentially LA, like maybe perfect beach days or hiking the canyons. And I’d have to add lipstick, mascara, and raw cookie dough.)

What I Will Miss

My kids





The concept of waffles


A walk in the park

The idea of a walk in the park

The park

Shakespeare in the Park

The bed

Reading in bed



The view out the window

Twinkle lights


Dinner at home just the two of us

Dinner with friends

Dinner with friends in cities where none of us lives


Next year in Istanbul

Pride and Prejudice

The Christmas tree

Thanksgiving dinner

One for the table

The dogwood

Taking a bath

Coming over the bridge to Manhattan


Thanks, Nora! But I digress. 

I watched a sci-fi movie recently where the question “What is your favorite thing about Earth?” is asked by a boy who has only ever lived in a colony on Mars—to a girl living in the mid-west somewhere (may not seem that different but it is) and it got me to thinking, gee, every day on Mars is…red, there’s no fresh air and it’s working non-stop trying to kill you dead. So, yeah, if you make the question planet specific like that—what ARE my favorite things about Earth?

My Favorite Things About Earth

It is NOT trying to kill me on a 24/7 basis

Rain (Which was the girl’s answer in the movie and I agree wholeheartedly!)

Thunder and Lightning


Reflections of a mountain vista in a still body of water

Blue sky


The color green


The temperature 72 degrees



The seasons

The diversity

My shadow





The oceans

Gravity (I just heard my boobs shout their opposition—but it stays on the list.)

Insects (Not really. I know they are invaluable to the eco system but they will not make my list. Sorry. Don’t hate me.)

A soft breeze



The smell of jasmine



The eons of “set your watch by it” continuity

That last one is the kicker. I can be a worrier, and the one thing I never worry about is the sun coming up in the morning.
I appreciate that in a planet. 

Okay, this is the part where you tell me YOUR favorite thing(s) about Earth.

Carry on,

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Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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