Daylight Savings, Spells, and Flying Fucks

Daylight Savings, Spells, and Flying Fucks


I love traditions. And spells. God, I love spells. And symbolic flying fucks.

Don’t you?

I love rituals, and ceremonies with candles and incense, and btw, I love them with or without the help of a full moon; which is kinda bitchy, I know, but I have an extremely complicated relationship with the moon so, yeah, moon, lend your energy—or don’t—doesn’t matter to me.

Anyway, back to my childhood memories of dipping my fingers into warm candle wax and deeply inhaling Frankincense smoke. (Which explains a lot, don’t ya think?)

I just assume that my proclivity for all things ritualistic is probably why I was born a Catholic.

As I write this we are deep into Lent which mimics the passage from winter to spring that every Pagan worth their bare-chested-dancing-in-the-woods wonderfulness celebrated this time of year.

Did you know that the word Lent actually comes from the Anglo-Saxon lenctene, which means ‘the time when the days lengthen?’
Yeah, me either.

(As an aside, my French husband swears that every word of English has its roots in his Mother Tongue. I pick my battles so I just smile in agreement.)

Shhhhhh, don’t tell the word schadenfreude.

Anyway, Lent for many throughout the world means fish on Fridays, giving up things they love, like chocolate and masturbation, and regular visits to confession so they can cop to cheating on their Lent promises.

I did that for years but if given my druthers I’d choose a Pagan spell over confession any day!

Like the one above, which I love. All you need is a candle and some shits you want to give away. And who doesn’t have tens of thousands of those on any given day?

So, here ya go, and before you get down to business I’d like to ask one favor—let’s all agree, as a collective, to stop changing the clock back and forth every year and just commit to daylight savings time!


That’s going to be the first shit I expunge with this spell.

Wait. Do you smell incense?

Carry on,

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Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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