Secret Abilities, Like Paying Attention To Words

Secret Abilities, Like Paying Attention To Words


“An art professor must draw on his abilities as an assassin to kill an unknown enemy agent during a Swiss mountain climb.”


I mean, seriously, that guy’s toast, right? Enemy agent? He’s just an art professor with an ability.

I sat here, with two pieces of Kleenex wadded up and stuck in each nostril in an attempt to stem the tide, just trying to decide about this movie. But I couldn’t get past the description.

I mean, there you are, living life, art professing, going through the motions grading charcoal sketches of David, dupe, da dupe, da dupe. When all of the sudden, you encounter an apparently life-threatening situation where you are forced to draw on your…abilities.

Good with colors? No.
Makes a great omelet? Nope.
Assassin. Yeah, that’s the one!

I suppose we all have hidden abilities that only come in handy once in a while but…

Then this art professor turned assassin (and let’s be clear here, being an assassin is not a hobby. It’s a cold trained killer) is going to use this ability to kill an unknown enemy agent. Wait. If the enemy is unknown, how in the hell can he kill him? How will he know him at all? And what’s the weapon?

What’s he gonna do? Paint him into a corner?

This is all so confusing.

But I think the bigger question is this: how did an art professor make such a lethal, yet unknown enemy? An enemy agent?

Bad grade in pastel landscapes?
Making them repeat ceramics 101?

And that last part. ‘during a Swiss mountain climb.’ What are they doing in the Alps? Vacation? Art retreat? I don’t think so.

And brief nudity? Don’t get me started.

This may seem silly to you and it is. I just notice words. And I have a cold, so I’m cranky.

But the point here (if there is one) is that a lot of things are written these days that are hard to decipher. Is the writer just lazy? Did they even see the movie?
Or are they intentionally trying to confuse us?
I say pay attention.

How about this instead? An assassin, undercover as an art professor, is sent to Switzerland to eliminate another agent whose identity has yet to be revealed.

Blah, blah, carry on,

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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