Four Questions That Will Help Bob Take The Wheel
I found this tucked into an old journal the other day.
At the time these questions intrigued me and I remember cutting this out and doing what you do when you are lost and completely directionless—I journaled the shit out of it.
It’s from a magazine dated way back in 2010.
2010 was the year I started asking questions of life. Big ones. I had the universe on speed dial.
On the surface mine sucked.
I had lost my business just the year before, I was 52, and I had no idea what the hell I was going to do next.
I don’t know about you but when the chips are down I’m not very nice to myself. All of that “buck up” and “stiff upper lip” shit kicks in and I’m not even British!
I really could not risk making any more “mistakes” so I went right back into the profession I had left in 2007.
Anyway, I went back to selling jewelry. I know, it’s not the gulag—but it was not the answer to my inquiries either.
The voice that was speaking, the one I was ignoring, it was telling me to write.
You guys, it may as well have yelled “strip” and waved fistfuls of dollar bills at me because I wasn’t gonna do it.
Then, slowly, methodically, and thankfully just in time, the universe, God, Bob or whoever you want to believe controls these things took the wheel.
Starting in 2012, through a series of coincidences and synchronicities, the most improbable people, writers, started showing up in my life.
These new women caused my life to change dramatically. Especially the one that died that very year.
She arrived on a white horse (or cloud) just when I was begging for a mentor.
Once she showed up crazy, mystical, weird-but-true experiences became a daily occurrence. So much so the I (we) wrote an entire screenplay about it.
And within three years my life changed forever. Bye, bye jewelry, hello writer.
All this to say, I believe that answering these questions is freaking magic, you guys. They unleash some kind of supernatural voodoo, woo-woo, vibe that unclogs the pipes and gets things moving in the right direction. I invite you to study them, answer them and then stand back, grab a cocktail, put your feet up, and let Bob steer the bus.
I promise you will love the results.
Carry on,