An Open Letter to Billy Bush
Oh, Billy Bush.
I recently saw an interview with you on one of the morning shows.
You looked remorseful and you sounded truly humbled. And while my inner feminist still wants to punch you in the face for giggling like a hormonal adolescent at Trump and goading him into hugging that soap star, I have to admit that you took the brunt of this debacle.
You got fired while the other guy, the guy who uttered all the misogynist crap, he became the leader of the free world and that’s not fair. You have a conscience. You had to face your own teenage daughter asked you why you laughed because “It wasn’t funny, dad.”
I bet walking across hot coals was probably easier than living thru that moment.
Speaking of hot coals, I heard that you used this seven months off to self-reflect, do yoga and attend a Tony Robbins seminar. You told the interviewer how Tony had pointed you out in front of 9000 attendees and said, “One moment in your life does not define who you are.”
Wow. How incredibly profound is that? One shitty moment does not define a person.
Oh, Lord have mercy because I’ve had my share of “those moments.” But then again, who hasn’t?
I cringe when I think of all the times I laughed at inappropriate innuendo.
Or the times my big mouth said something thoughtless.
The judgmental, snarky remarks.
The clumsy responses; wanting to be funny or sound smart or be liked.
Uh oh, that’s more than one moment, isn’t it?
But wait, this is about you, Billy.
As outraged as I was last October I realize now that you were just trying to stay in someone’s good graces.
Someone who at the time was at the height of their fame, who was powerful and well-connected and lived to be a provocateur.
It takes guts to speak truth to power. We are witness to that every day with the same man and the high-powered people who surround him in Washington. What did we expect from a celebrity reporter?
I try to be a better person every damn day and I have to assume you do too, Billy.
My wish for you is that the public has a short memory and that they practice compassion where your next career move is concerned.
Listen, I don’t know if you’re taking suggestions but I think covering politics might be your next step. I’m not saying that you might have a score to settle, I’m just suggesting that after everything you’ve learned you could be the perfect person to speak some truth to this kind of abuse of power.
Carry on,