Love Disappointed

Love Disappointed

“They say that anger is just love disappointed.” ~ Lyrics from “A Hole In the World” by The Eagles

You know its funny; and not in the haha way, more the ironic variety, that the times when I’m in emotional pain, when I should be writing—I can’t.

My friend the Book Mama says: write when you’re bleeding.
I find myself too busy at triage, what with the tourniquets and numbing agents to have anything at all coherent, let alone pithy to say and I know you all expect yourselves some pith from me.

How do these other folks do it?

Some people are great at it. Brilliant really.

Liz phucking Gilbert got rich off of it for chrissakes.
Glennon Doyle Melton, hello?
Hemingway was in constant emotional turmoil while he crafted his gorgeous prose.
Nora Ephron cried the entire time she wrote the hysterically funny book about her cheating husband who fell in love with her friend—while she was pregnant.

My trials and tribulations are not nearly as epic as any of theirs — yet I find myself uncharacteristically silent.

December was the cruelest of bitches as months go and like any good bitch she pulled at my hair and held my face underwater during our wet t-shirt catfight.

All bets were off. Nothing was fair. I was caught off guard—blindsided. And just to make matters worse the timing sucked because, well, you know, Christmas…

I hate feeling bad at Christmas and will do almost anything to fa la la my way out of it. This year there weren’t enough fa la la’s on the planet to keep my head above water.

I know many of you guys felt the same.

I’ve talked to a few of my friends, the ones who have a high tolerance for uncontrolled sobbing, and they’ve shared their stories of various friends and family members who seem to have been possessed by an intolerant, angry, asshole who blamed them for all of their angst. Lots and lots of disappointed love.

Did any of you experience this phenomenon?

This December I lost my shine. Someone I love held me solely responsible for everything that went wrong for them in 2016.—and in a fit of rage they became my judge, jury and executioner.

Oh yeah, and Happy Holidays!

My friend Kim suffered the same fate. Her best friend stopped speaking to her for no apparent reason and then that friend’s husband publicly shamed Kim on social media where, at the end of a Facebook diatribe, he actually said Happy Holidays. Can you even believe that? “We are morbidly disgusted and disappointed in you and we can no longer bring ourselves to speak to you. Happy Holidays!”

WTF people?

I don’t know about you all but I have my own fallen expectations and disappointments I don’t need anybody to pile theirs on top—thank you very much. Besides that, I think there should be ground rules for raging. Stick with the “I feels” and stay away from the “You ares” because later on, when the dust has settled, no matter how much you try to walk back the things you said—they cannot be unheard or unfelt.

Words are powerful things. They are the first weapons drawn in a battle. And if they’re aimed just right (and they always are by the people who know us the best), they find all of the tender spots and in the process—they kill love.

I felt sliced and diced in December which left me at a loss for words. Maybe they seeped out of all the little holes left behind. Maybe I’ll still be sweeping up consonants and vowels from the cracks of my floor in July. I don’t know. What I DO know is that I will do what I always do—what WE always do—right ladies?

I’ll lick my wounds, pull up my big-girl panties, find my words, and eventually look for the miracle in the mess. A big juicy one lives there I’m sure.

Until then you can find me scarfing down anything chocolate that isn’t nailed down and plotting my revenge (kidding. Maybe…).

Here’s hoping this finds you all happily eating salad.

Carry on,

  • Maggy Brown says:

    Wow, Janet. This really hit home. I lost a friend of 18 years over an email I sent to the wrong address–work vs. home. She owns the business, so I didn’t understand the problem. When I asked her to stop reprimanding me over such a silly mistake, she replied, “Do not bother inviting me to your 60th birthday and have a nice life.” I’m dumb founded.
    Thanks for putting it in prospective.
    I don’t think you’ve lost your pluck and words. I REALLY hope your words come back for you. I certainly need them.
    Write on,
    Maggy Brown

    • jbertolus says:

      Thanks, Maggy.
      This is a virus that is spreading right now or least I’m aware of it because it has infected someone I love. My advice to myself, my friend Kim and you is to “put a pin in it” meaning, set boundaries so it doesn’t become abusive, walk away, and see what happens. Nobody wants to beg for love and I believe that no healthy love is worth chasing. Besides, you’re awesome, so it’s her loss!
      Big hug,

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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