Love Your Fucking Life

Love Your Fucking Life


Oh, for crying out loud! Why do we do it?

Why do we choose to live so small?

When I was a little kid, I was HUGE. A great, big, unedited, unabashed, force to be reckoned with and I’m guessing you were too.

The other day I was a quivering bag-of-doubt when someone really wise asked me, “Who did this to you? Who made you think life was setting you up to fail?”

Well, good question. I have absolutely NO idea!
Was there one person, a family member or a teacher who caused me to feel like a quivering-bag-of-doubt? No. Not really. My dad wasn’t a huge fan, but that was motivation to me. Besides, I’m not into the blame game anymore, but— it did make me think about how ridiculous I can be.

I think it’s society at large that makes us dial ourselves down. Don’t you? We’re taught appropriate behavior and since we want to fit in—we follow the crowd.

Well, guess what? I don’t wanna follow the crowd anymore. Do you?

I want to write my own story and make it GREAT! I want to blaze my own trail and as of late, I want to swing for the fences!

Swing For The Fucking Fences! (Okay, I may have had too much coffee).

But why the hell not?

Who’s with me?

Hey batter, batter!

  • Dominator says:

    Not very good at baseball analogies but I love getting to third base (beside the sexual innuendo).
    The journey is still happening, you have accomplished a lot and you have the excitement and anticipation of finishing well.

  • angelahite1 says:

    I’m with you, Janet. Feels like we’re recognizing the same downward energy floating through the collective consciousness and saying, “Oh no you don’t!”

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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