Family ~ Bullshit Busters ~ Part II

Family ~ Bullshit Busters ~ Part II


So…yesterday’s blog on family touched a nerve, a nerve so sensitive that the dialogue happened behind the scenes exclusively through text and email for privacy’s sake. No one wanted to offend anyone or open up a giant can of whoop-ass. I love that I have such a troll-free readership.

But believe me, I get it.

Many of you felt that I let family “off the hook” so to speak, and you felt obligated to weigh in.
Thank you. There is always another side to a coin. A different story to tell.

Some family members can behave hatefully and do real damage, and they absolutely, positively, do NOT have your best interest at heart. Since that has not been the case for me recently with my immediate blood family (I did have a wicked step-mother once-upon-a-time), I can’t speak to that—but you can.

After going back and forth on email, I asked this reader if I could please, please, pretty please, share their initial comment with the rest of you because it sort of summed up what everyone else was saying with a minimum of profanity and exclamation points!  And they agreed—just as long as they could maintain their anonymity.

So, here you go. Another, (and seemingly more common) view on family, bullshit-busting, motives, and friends.

Let me know what you think.
Carry on,

I agree with you on many things and always respect your opinion, but I am not with you on this one.

I have found that very rarely are family members good arbiters of “bullshit”. Most of the time they act like wackos and their past experiences with you are tainted (and tinted by a filter) due to years of interlocking neurosis.

Oh, they will take you down a notch (or twelve) but do they have a better grasp of what is reality or the real you?

Do they really know you now? How much have they grown themselves and kept up with you? Do they have common sense (which is not common anymore!) or even your best interest at heart?
Not in my “reality”!

For this conversation, we’ll agree that we didn’t choose our family and that we’ve learned to live with what we got, so I feel very blessed that I have one family member who I would choose as a friend. And that’s where I rejoin you with the real “bullshit busters”: Your friends.
The friends that you pick (the good one at least) will call you on stuff because they grow with you and support your well-being. They will also support you in your dreams, aspirations, and growth without an agenda or baggage from your common past.

And if or when they stop doing that, they slowly dwindle away, to be replaced by new ones.

  • Dominator says:

    Well said.
    I would add that in the defense of family and relatives, they had to put up with us as ass-bites when growing up.
    We should thank them for who they are, for without their inputs (good and bad) we wouldn’t be the amazing being that we are. (I assume that if you are reading this blog, you are amazing!)

    • jbertolus says:

      I too assume all of you are amazing! Just like you Dominator, you are one of my most loyal and vocal followers and I look forward to your comments every day! Thank you!

  • mel says:


    You and I were in the same nebulous family universe last week and I have to say I agree with the response you posted from one of your readers. After spending the week in painfully tight quarters on a houseboat in the middle of a lake far too wide to swim across, I was reminded of how very little my family knows me as a grown woman.

    My eldest brother did not believe me when I told him I went to college for three years and graduated with a design degree?? I think I would know dear brother. I had the nervous twitch and drinking problem to prove it.

    I don’t trust my family to call bullshit, but that is MY family. Others may be different. My family still see’s me as the baby of the family, the one who pooped in the tub, and the one who caused all the trouble…admittedly I was the only one who crawled out my window on weekends but I can assure you I now use the front door. That is the difference. They have not updated their systems since I was a teen. They are running on outdated software.

    I, myself rely on my partner and my bestie to get out the bullshit meter as they know me and spend the most time on my path. I wish was one of those people whose mother or sister could step back and see me as the person I am but that is not the case. Nor do I have the ability to do that for them. Nonetheless, I love them for everything they are, which is to say; reliable and always there.
    Great blogs, Janet!!!! Love ya

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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