Saturday Shower Meditation

Saturday Shower Meditation


When I remember—I do this.


I imagine that the water sort of “clean slates” me. It removes all of the sticky yuck that had adhered itself to me during the day and brings me back to neutral.

Neutral feels good.
Neutral feels doable.
I can handle neutral.

Sticky yuck—not so much.

Who doesn’t feel better after a nice hot shower?

Another option is a hot bath. I like to add Epsom salt. It relieves muscle aches and pains and convinces me that it’s the next best thing to soaking in warm ocean water, which it isn’t, but I’m gullible when I’m wet.

To rid my body of toxins, I’ll add some apple cider vinegar. It is advisable to immerse your entire body, even your head, which, if you’re built like me, includes your face. So take off your false eyelashes.

Try not to breathe while your head is underwater. That leads to death, which, if you think about IS the ultimate in peace and quiet, but I think it takes that a little too far—so I’m not recommending it.

Just think about it. Water has the power to carve stone. Hello, The Grand Canyon?

It can surely wash away all of my jagged edges.

Happy weekend,

  • Dominator says:

    I don’t know why but your statement: “I’m gullible when I’m wet” was like a “Flashdance” moment for my twisted psyche. I wanted to visualize you drenched and me repeating: “I’m very handsome!”.
    A little creepy, right!?
    (Maybe a restraining order is in order, for your biggest fan).

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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