Blondes and Fun…and Mindsets

Blondes and Fun…and Mindsets


I’ve been a redhead and a blonde. Blondes have more fun—you know they do! I can’t help it, they just do!

I’ve been both mindsets—I can be both mindsets. The growth mindset is more fun. It just is. You know that too!

Which one are you?

Are we having fun yet????

Carry on,

  • dominator says:

    I don’t know about redheads or blondes, but I know a bit about mindset as I too go back and forth between both.
    Which one do I prefer? Tough to answer as growth only comes from a fixed setting but it can be exhausting to grow for the sake of growing. And one leads to the other, eventually and perpetually.
    Bottom line: “Just find a way to enjoy the journey!”

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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