Another “I Believe” Speech

Another “I Believe” Speech


*To be read aloud by James Earl Jones

I am a firm believer in the goodness of people.
In kindness,
and hugs and the power of love.

I am a firm believer in friendship.
In tribes, and surrounding yourself with the people who “get” you.

I am a firm believer in magic.
Yesterday my magic told me that believing in it was just like sex.
Everyone tells you not to do it and when you finally do, the first time might not be so good, but every time after that feels better and better. (And eventually you get good at it).

I’m a firm believer in the healing properties of DARK chocolate,
black licorice,
dog kisses,
bouquets of flowers,
peanut butter,
red toenails,
laughter (blooper reels)
long walks,
warm salt water,
stories with happy endings,
books with the word Journey in the title,
foreign travel,
babies laughing,
red wine,
handwritten notes,
badly told jokes where the punchline is given away right at the top,
loud burps,
holding hands,
and a good night’s sleep.

I’m a firm believer in the FACT that if you leap the net will catch you.
You may bounce first. And your skirt may go up over your head.
But here’s the deal. If you are reading this, you have survived whatever godawful things have befallen you.

You’re okay.
You’re breathing,
It’s all working out.

I firmly believe that ALL IS WELL.

What do you believe?
Carry on,

  • Nancy says:

    I believe that everything is always perfect but that because the package often comes wrapped up in an appearance that does not match our expectations, we fight God/the Universe/Spirit/Reality/Whatever-you-care-to-call-it. Fighting reality means you miss the goodness that is right smack in front of you. You miss the magic if you are busy trying to make God wrong. We are the ones that fucked things up; we are responsible for it all, but because we want to blame “other people” we miss what’s right in front of us. Surrender, I say. God’s got your back. Believe in the goodness and it will rush in to support you. Indeed — ALL IS WELL. That’s what I believe. XOXO

  • I believe in everything above AND the joy of eating bacon… 🙂

  • Laura says:

    I love this piece, as well as the hysterical quote that’s at the beginning. I’m forever posting inspirational words on social media; it was wonderful to start my morning with a giggle at my own expense! Thanks, my faithful and favorite observer!

    • jbertolus says:

      I love that it made you giggle, Laura, THAT is always my goal 😉
      And I firmly believe laughter is inspirational…don’t you?

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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