Thank You, Deuteronomy! ~ Something I NEVER Thought I’d Say.

Thank You, Deuteronomy! ~ Something I NEVER Thought I’d Say.


Okay. Prepare to have your minds BLOWN.

I am currently reading The Power of I Am ~ Two Words That Will Change Your Life Today ~ by Joel Osteen.

Yes, you read that right. The book is by pastor Joel Osteen.
Yes, THAT Joel Osteen,
Pastor of the America’s largest congregation, Lakewood Church in Houston Texas, where more than 45,000 people attend services EVERY WEEK.

Before you all think I’ve flipped to the tele-evangelist side of the street, let me explain.
First of all, the rumor that he is supporting Trump is unfounded, I checked, so calm down.

Here’s the thing, when I saw him recently chatting it up with Oprah on Super Soul Sunday, I was like, ‘Oh Oprah, really?’, but if she was willing to devote an hour of her time to promote his book, I could settle in for the forty minutes (sans commercials), and attempt to practice open-mindedness.

You all are familiar with that? Right? Open mindedness I mean.

Well, I did it and I’ve gotta tell ya, to my surprise he did NOT thump a Bible, not once! As a matter of fact, he speaks my language, the language of Law of Attraction, something I’ve studied for over thirty years!


Instead of Universe, or Higher Power or Scott, the terms I prefer, he uses God or The Lord.
I can live with that.
The rest of his message is the SAME!
But you probably already knew that, right?
I forget that many of you still practice Christianity and are not heathens…like me.

The basic tenets of his message being:

Watch your thinking.
Watch your words.
Watch your beliefs, yadda, yadda, yadda.
And it will change your life.

I write about all those things here. A lot.

So, I felt connected. Simpatico with the Pastor. Loving HIS interpretation of that book known as the Bible.

In his book, he talks about a particular passage in that book, Deuteronomy 15 to be exact, and about a law that God gave the people of Israel. Here it is: At the end of every seventh year, you get released from any debt you owe.

Which means—all things are temporary.

“The seventh year is when you break free from any limitation that is holding you back. Sickness, addiction, worry, debt, and constant struggles. Things that looked as if they would never change.”

Situations look and FEEL permanent. Each day repeating itself without any hope of things changing. We’ve all felt that way.

Until…suddenly they do.
Suddenly you meet the right person.
Suddenly you get the right doctor.
Suddenly your health improves.
Suddenly a check arrives.
Suddenly you get the best idea you’ve ever had.
Suddenly things don’t seem insurmountable.

We’ve al had THAT happen too. Come on. You know you have!

According to Pastor Osteen (and Deuteronomy) and the Bible–that’s your “seventh year” in action.

Don’t you love that!

I was reminded once again by Facebook of something I did seven years ago this week. Someone, a friend, had posted a kind response to an email I had sent to the loyal customers of my store. It was 2009 and the economy as in the crapper. Stores all around the neighborhood were closing. Some of them overnight without so much as a whimper. A few of them I loved so much that I was devastated.

Why hadn’t they shared their plight with us, their loyal following? Maybe we could have helped.

When things in my retail world started to crumble and I was literally three months behind in my rent, I decided to send out an email. A clarion call of sorts. It took me days to complete.
It had to have just the right tone. Not too needy—or pleady—or sad-sacky. I thought that if I could explain just how dire the situation was—that I was thisclose to being arrested for squatting—they could consider themselves forewarned and might be more likely to take advantage of the 50% off that I was offering.

It was a HUGE deal for me. I’m not someone who asks for help or solicits pity. I hate feeling ashamed.
I’m a stiff-upperlipper. One of the best. So as you can imagine (or maybe not), I puked when I hit send on the email that day. Then…

Suddenly things turned around.
Suddenly we all stopped pretending things were “great”.
Suddenly people started showing up and BUYING stuff.
Suddenly I could become current with my landlord.

The store did drown later that fall, but still…it was an exercise for me in how people react to courage and authenticity. (They react with compassion and more authenticity, by-the-way).

Knowing that it’s been exactly seven years since I incurred the biggest debt I’ve ever carried while at the same time committing the bold act of leaving my retail career in the rear-view mirror to pursue writing, I feel a renewed sense of excitement after reading about this seven-year forgiveness plan.

So, what was happening with YOU seven years ago? What burden can be set free for YOU?

And if you think about it, every day is your seventh year from something. Which was exactly the point.

Nothing is written in stone, people.
Well, except for the commandments.
But not the bad stuff.
Take it from me. The new Biblical scholar.

Carry on,

  • Kimberly says:

    Such a great observation! I love Joel, I love Oprah, I love you, and you know I love me some Jesus, JB! I have found that most EVERY life coaching, life enhancing strategy is biblically based. Another favorite scriptural concept of mine: All the miserable time we spend suffocating under the pressure – that bullsh*t is just nutrient rich fertilizer that allows us to blossom with twice the amount of fruit! That way we can share our crop with others (and you do that beautifully with your wisdom every day my friend). 🙂

    “Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor. You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.” Isaiah 61:7

    Hot MotherLovin’ Damn! Who doesn’t want to be promised double for our trouble?! Can I get an Amen?!

    • jbertolus says:

      Amen! My Joel, Oprah and Jesus loving sista!
      “Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor. You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.” Isaiah 61:7
      What? Are you F-ing kidding me? (Did I lay that f-bomb too close to scripture? Sorry) I want some double shares of honor for my trouble! I want the shit to fertilize all of my future endeavors!
      Thank you or taking me to church, Kimberly! Love you too!

  • Elizabeth says:

    Wise, wise words! xo

  • Sandra says:

    Love Joel. Love you more. Love that you shared this. In my experience, the true power of I AM comes from making the shift from asking to receiving. Think about that. Rather than saying I AM healthy, say I AM receiving the absolute fullness of health. I am receiving the healing I’ve been seeking. I am receiving the perfect weight. Put I AM RECEIVING in front of anything, believe you have received it and move on. It truly is that simple. AND that powerful. The step we’ve been missing for so long has been the receiving and the believing God will actually do what he promised. Matthew 21:22 states — Ask and you SHALL receive. It doesn’t instruct us to ask, beg, plead, keep going back and ask again and again and again. Ask and you SHALL receive. Believe and it will come forth. The Universe, the Source, the I AM, God for Joel and for me wants us to live abundant, happy lives. We are the ones getting in our way. Well not me, not anymore, because I AM receiving the abundant, happy fulfilled life I have envisioned. And you honey are a big blessing that came from that asking and receiving!

    • jbertolus says:

      Sandra, honey love!
      Of course, you would be familiar with Joel! Sadly, my assumption about him was always, Texas preacher=not my cup of tea. And we all know what happens when you ass u me. And you’re also right about the receiving. All the blessings in the world can be showered upon you but unless you’re open to receiving them (in whatever unexpected form they take), they will continue to go unseen by you.
      I love seeing you here and I can’t tell you what a blessing you are to my life without sobbing and snot and fits of hysterical dancing.

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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