Hiding, Attention To Detail and Nose Hair

Hiding, Attention To Detail and Nose Hair


“Hiding takes many forms. Inappropriate attention to detail is a big one because it feels like a responsible thing to do.”
~ Seth Godin

Take a look at the two quotes above.

Attention to detail. Good. Necessary for greatness.
Attention to detail bad. Perfectionism. Hiding.

I agree. With both. Seriously.

My belief in the quality that lies in attention to detail remains unwavering.

HOT water causes peonies to open.

Dirty fingernails telegraph all your nasty secrets.

Cloth napkins. ONLY cloth napkins.

Clean underneath your patio furniture. God forbid someone moves a chair and a family of ten thousand baby black widow spiders decide it’s time for a meet-n-greet. (I speak from personal experience on this one).

Make sure you’re wearing your glasses when you shave your bikini line. You don’t want to leave unseen strips of grown out stubble that are long enough to braid. That’ll ruin any day at the beach. (Again with the personal experience.) And men, the same holds true for nose hair. Glasses on, and…Clip it.

Those are just the tip of the iceberg for me when it comes to paying attention to the details, and it’s easy for me to go overboard.

Here’s the thing, as unbelievable as it may seem to some, I’ve lightened up significantly the older I’ve gotten, and you know what? Things still look great—and I‘m so much happier.

As far as hiding in the attention to detail, never one to pass up a neurosis—I’ve done that too.


It’s easy as a writer to convince yourself that “it” will be so much better if you just work on it for a few more days. Who hasn’t done that with a project they care about? It’s got your name attached, so it better be perfect. Right?
Days turn into weeks, weeks turn to months, months to years and all you have are drawers and files full of “rough drafts”.

Just send the freakin’ article! Just enter the photograph in the contest! Jeez! Pahleez! There may be a typo, flub or a mistake.
Big. Deal.

Truth be told, tired eyes miss typos. They just do. I’ve seen typos in published material that was edited by industry professionals! It’s okay, it actually makes me smile and you know what? I’m pretty sure nobody died in the making of that minor error.

I know an artist AND a writer both of whom are so intellectually adept that they over think their creative endeavors to. a. fault. They’re always reading one more book, or taking yet anther class—when they should just be painting and writing! Enjoying the process.

No more details! Flip perfection the finger!

The rest of the Seth Godin essay:
“There are endless small details to get right before you have something you’re truly proud of. No doubt about it. But there are frightening and huge holes in any bridge to the future, and until you figure out how to get across, I’m not sure it matters if you have a typo on page 4.”

One way I figured out to get across the scary bridge is the fact that I take consolation in knowing there always has to be a FIRST DRAFT. Always. For everything.

Carry on,

  • dominator says:

    The philosophical conundrum is that if life is perfect but perfection not really attainable, then the answer is to live with “good enough”.
    That’s a subjective decision that empowers you to do what you feel/think is YOUR best and forces you to abandon outside judgement.
    My best analogy (and it’s a little convoluted) is when the EPA tackles the clean-up of a toxic dump site, 10% of the money and energy is spent on the first 90% of the effort. The last 10% of the remediation becomes the subject of a cost/benefit analysis similar to our struggle.

    • jbertolus says:

      Omg, Dominator! Did you do a mind-meld with Stephen Hawking or Ekart Tolle while you were away? I can almost hear that robotic voice saying all of that! LOL!

  • Elizabeth says:

    Once again, Janet! So timely! I needed to hear this…thank you, my friend! e

  • Nancy says:

    As Liz Gilbert says, “Done is better than good.”

    And to quote General George Patton, “A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.” (Both quotes from Gilbert’s book, “Big Magic.”) I gave up trying to be perfect a long time ago. I don’t have that kind of time! XXXOOO

    • jbertolus says:

      That darn Liz! “Big Magic” is the “go to” manifesto for this creative perfectiony stuff. You go Nancy!

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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