Gandhi, Kale, Your Beliefs and a Donut ~ Just Another Tuesday

Gandhi, Kale, Your Beliefs and a Donut ~ Just Another Tuesday


Your beliefs become your thoughts

Your thoughts become your words

Your words become your actions

Your actions become your habits

Your habits become your values

Your values become your destiny

I think Mahatma Gandhi said this…or Oprah. I can’t keep them straight.

That’s big stuff right there. A big concept.

Because most of us, most of the time, myself included, think that all of those things, those actions, words, habits, thoughts—are all separate—disconnected. That they have nothing whatsoever to do with one another.

Wrongo Bongo! We could not be more stupid, misguided, delusional, misinformed, naive, forgetful.

You know this stuff.

I know this stuff.

My freakin’ dog knows this stuff.

So, just a gentle reminder to be mindful of your beliefs, thoughts, words, actions, habits and values because they are all coalescing to form your destiny.

If you’re sloppy about it like I can get from time to time, you can say and think that you’re eating kale, but the kale is really donuts, and your belief in the destructive power of warm, yeasty goodness is too powerful to overrule the word kale, and just like that—the donuts I ate this weekend goes straight to my ass. So…

Not sure of what you’re creating? Look around at your life. It’s a big clue. HUGE.

You like what you see? Fantastic! Keep doing what you’re doing.

Not so thrilled with the lump of a chump on the couch? Even better! Because ALL of those things, those thoughts, words, blah, blah, blah—can be changed.
By you.
Right this minute.
Or after you finish your donut. Isn’t that worth knowing?!

Wait. I think we just created a new belief. Let’s run with it! (Put down the scissors first).

Carry on,

  • Angela says:

    And then there’s that pesky belief that slips in under the radar… that if you don’t like everything you see, then you are a crappy creator, a schmuck and a loser, and what’s the use anyway…all that mean-spirited blame game we do outwardly, and even more often and surreptitiously, inwardly. Was it Oprah, Gandhi, or Abraham who said that the contrast of our lives is a GOOD thing? Pema, maybe? Through it we get to see what the bleep we are doing!!! Kindness is the watchword. That was the Dalai Lama, I think!!!! ?

    Great write, Janet. I’ve been consumed in kitchen remodeling so I’ve missed a bunch of these lately…

    • jbertolus says:

      Thanks, Angie! It is Abe who says that “contrast” is just an indicator in our lives. But that voice that does the color commentary about being a loser and a schmuck? I think he’s with the carpenter’s union…kick that creep to the curb! Remodeling used to give me an instant stomach ache, now it’s a word filled with promise. How did THAT happen? Oh, yeah, I’m not in the thick of it! lol!
      Love you,

  • dominator says:

    As always, inspirational, indeed.
    I would add that “your attitude become your belief”.
    Our attitude is the only thing that we really control with a choice.
    What follows is in the hands of the Universe.

  • Jo says:

    Lately I have been falling into the negativity trap, so I’ve been binge watching Joe Dispenza so much lately! It’s hard work to retrain my brain with some things, but I realize that I need to get it done to get out of the place I’m. It’s good to have these reminders and know that others have managed to overcome.

    • jbertolus says:

      Jo! Sweet Jo, I hope this gave you a little kick start. I wish I could hand you a donut right now. Hang in there my courageous friend, you’ve got this!

  • Laura says:

    Amen! It was over thirty years ago when I first learned “Our thoughts create our reality” and the divine (in every sense of the word, darling!) truth that WE can be in the driver’s seat, as we maneuver down the path of our lives.

    What a revelation! I was stunned by the fact that I had a say in my destiny; I was used to reacting to whatever life threw at me. Realizing that I could dig deep, discover what my desires were and then go forth and manifest them was (and is) the single most important insight of my life. It’s still working for me and WOW, am I grateful!

    I was also surprised to learn that I had a nasty little voice in my head; it was quite persistent and cluttered my mind with doubt and judgement. After observing the self-destructive critic I shared a brain with, I sat down, poured us both a cup of tea and got personal. Within a few minutes I thought, “I should be writing this stuff down,” so I grabbed a notebook and pen and asked my new friend to spill every bit of negativity she had. There was some serious shade being thrown my way!

    Thanks for reminding me and your other loyal followers how powerful our thoughts are. Have I told you lately that I f***ing love you? I most definitely do, as much as the day I discovered your blog! Keep up the good thoughts and great writing!

    • jbertolus says:

      Hey, Laura!
      Yep, knowing that we create our own reality can be empowering, like, ‘I can fix this shit’ or terrifying, like, ‘you mean I created my own illness? or fat ass?’
      Most people would rather shirk the responsibility and sit and worry about the outcome.
      And ugh, that fucking voice in our heads! I loved that you sat with it, befriended it, and gave it words!
      Great idea people!!
      BTW: I love you too! And I love knowing that amazing people like you are out there taking a quick minute to read what I write and maybe even share a comment.

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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