Bleeding Magic and the Blank Yellow Envelope

Bleeding Magic and the Blank Yellow Envelope


Two weeks ago I mailed my brother in Arkansas a birthday card.
That is unremarkable except for the fact that I may have forgotten to address it. Which these days is not that surprising. Recently, I have gargled with body wash, left my purse in my unlocked car overnight and put my phone in the fridge.

I got a text of the picture above on Tuesday, so two weeks after mailing it, with the caption: WTF?

From my brother, the most sceptical of sceptics. Here was this brainiac, computer nerd, prove-it-to-me kinda guy holding a blank envelope in his hand, asking me to explain how in the holy hell it had made its way to not only the state of Arkansas — but to his office?

Remember that thing I said about magic? How if you have it in one aspect of your life it bleeds into the other places. Magic doesn’t know boundaries. I love that about magic. It starts showing its face EVERYWHERE.

So, you think that’s pretty cool right? It looks like the card got wet and no trace of the address was left, OR a distracted sister forgot to address the thing and it still got to its intended destination.

Harry Potter’s owl dropped it off. That’s clearly the only plausible explanation.

Wait. Here’s more magic.

When the text arrived I was at lunch with my friend Kim. Kim is the Janet whisperer.
When I get wobbly — she sets me straight. She doesn’t take any of my shit. She quotes all of my insights back to me. Bitch.

Anyhow, at the very moment the text came through, Kim had just finished saying “Quit worrying! Your screenplay will get where it needs to go — NO MATTER WHAT.”

Just like the little yellow birthday card.

So right now you’re asking yourself what is that? Is that an easily explainable mistake or the result of a clairvoyant postal clerk?  Nope. That’s just some damn good magic right there ladies and gentleman!

I’m sharing this because I’m sure I’m not the only one who worries about the how’s and why’s of life.

We gotta cut that shit out! Let the magic bleed all over the place!

Carry on,

  • Reny Salsmon says:

    When I was a kid, I lived with magic daily. Apparently it was too absurd for my people. I was dead for many years… Now I’m getting back to magic and miracles and taking my innate power back. I think the issue with both magic and miracles is that we the masses don’t view them as our right or a normal thing even. Can you imagine how different things would be if we all practiced that belief as a norm?
    By “magic” I’m referencing the ability to create universes… And allowing intangible desires to appear….Faith in what isn’t a physical reality until it is.

  • Elizabeth says:

    Amen! Let the magic ooze! 🙂 xo

  • kimbo says:

    what do you people need? A burning bush in your front yard? 🙂


    the janet whisperer

  • dominator says:

    Believing in magic is giving up on the last vestige of thinking you are in control.
    That’s trust in the universe.
    I preach it!… …Not so good at the practice.

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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