Oops, Sorry

Oops, Sorry

Hi Guys,
So, if this isn’t evidence that when you’re hopped up on cold meds, you shouldn’t write your blog I don’t know what is. When I’m sick I should just lay in my sweaty bed and leak snot all over, not write.

Wnehn (fuck it, I’m leaving it) under the influence, I feel like an octopus riding a bicycle and we all know how well THAT goes, So…typing is out of the question. Thinking AND spelling AND typing.

Anyhow, I wrote this morning’s blog yesterday afternoon and instead of scheduling it for release this morning, like I usually do, one of my squidgy octopus hands hit PUBLISH. I think one of the other ones is playing a ukulele.

So that’s where Sunday’s blog is. It’s in yesterday’s SPAM folder. Not today’s.

Be cool, Achoo! Bless you & Carry on,

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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