Is Bravery For Other People?

Is Bravery For Other People?



Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.
“a brave soldier”
synonyms: courageous, valiant, valorous, intrepid, heroic, lionhearted, bold, fearless, gallant, daring, plucky, audacious;

I’ve been surprising myself lately, well, almost every day recently, by doing something brave.

For me, it looks more like plucky, or audacious, rather than true (pull someone out of a burning building), courage.

For many, many years my life was void of bravery. I ran a bravery deficit. I would have told you it was most definitely for other people! But these days my life seems to be upping the ante—giving me no choice other than to be brave…or has it?

I like what Seth Godin wrote the other day about bravery.

What do you guys think? Is it a choice?

Carry on,

Bravery is for other people

Bravery is for the people who have no choice, people like Chesley Sullenberger and Audie Murphy.

Bravery is for the people who are gifted, people like Ralph Abernathy, Sarah Kay and Miles Davis.

Bravery is for the people who are called, people like Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks and Mother Theresa.

Bravery is for other people.

When you see it that way, it’s so clearly and patently absurd that it’s pretty clear that bravery is merely a choice.

At least once in your life (maybe this week, maybe today) you did something that was brave and generous and important. The only question is one of degree… when will we care enough to be brave again?

Seth Godin

  • wishing4peace says:

    I often think of you as being charmingly audacious. I think I mentioned it to you once before. It still fits.
    ((BIG HUGS))

  • Nancy says:

    It is a choice, one that we avoid by thinking that bravery is for other people who are somehow better than us.

    • jbertolus says:

      I agree, Nancy. I used to think there was a “bravery gene” that I had NOT been the recipient of. I fancied the path of least resistance and that is most certainly NOT the most courageous route. I think we may not know how truly brave we are until we are tested. At least that’s what happened with me!
      Thanks for your insight, love!

  • Elizabeth says:

    Hmmm….”when will we care enough to be brave again?” That one hit home! 🙂


Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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