What Makes A Good Leader—Another Jason Silva Sunday

What Makes A Good Leader—Another Jason Silva Sunday

Everything comes out of nowhere. It starts as an inspired idea. Everything.

The pizza joint at the corner, your relationship (remember, the day before you met—you were complete strangers), where you live, the iPhone…

Jason makes a good point.

Some ideas are sold to us. Our perception is altered. Good ideas spread.
But so does herpes.

In the current political climate, we have to pay close attention to who and what has our ear, try to ignore the rhetoric, be discerning and then decide for ourselves—what makes a good leader.

Happy Sunday!

  • Angela says:

    Big truth! From Jason, and from you! We are swimming in an ocean of each other’s koolade. So yes indeed it matters what we take in and what we put out! And as frustrating as it can be, the production values we bring to our message become part of the message, as Silva’s own well-produced, energetically driven videos accentuate. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be bombastic to be heard. Pema Chodron is a quiet bomb. But production values play a significant role! (Spoken as a producer!)


    • jbertolus says:

      Right, Angie!? I love the idea of Pema being a “quiet bomb” Ha! We, as bloggers, etc, have a place in this as well, reaching whoever will read our words or listen to our gorgeous vlogs (you!).Cogs in the wheel, Angie, cogs in the wheel.
      Big hug,

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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