Listen Up! Reprise

Listen Up! Reprise


This post is a blast from the past, but I’m feelin’ it. This is for all you perfectionists.
Cut. It. Out!

“Except for the things we did wrong, we did everything right.”
~Will McAvoy The Newsroom

Bravo Aaron Sorkin. I LOVE that line.

I was re-watching last season’s episodes of The Newsroom. I have to do that to get reacquainted with the characters and storyline for the upcoming season.

Oh, fuck it. Who am I kidding? I have to do it because the dialogue is so rapid fire and smart, that if I blink or chew or fail to focus one hundred percent of my attention on it, I’m lost.

I’m IN LOVE with that particular piece of dialogue because that’s how I feel.

About all of us.

Except for the things we did wrong, we did everything right.

We really are doing okay.
Better than okay, but I can already feel you bristling, so I’ll stick with okay.

I know. It doesn’t feel like it sometimes.

Hey, except for the things we did wrong, we did everything right.

Actually, you wanna know something I KNOW for SURE? We’re all doing better than we think.

Listen, we show up every day.
Our feet hit the floor and with some manner of enthusiasm.
We enter the arena.
We have neither Tom Cruise levels of couch jumping excitement, nor are we living under a bridge with trolls.
We are gamely in the game. Whatever that means. You know what I mean. And that is HUGE.

We have shelter and something to eat.
You know how I know that?
Because we have a high-speed internet connection and in the Surviving Life Handbook that is third after shelter and food.

We have remorse for those things we did wrong.
Now our job is NOT to wear it like an anchor around our necks. Or a flashing neon sign. Or to make it the first line of our sad and sucky story. Seriously!

We are literate and educated.
I’m taking a leap here, but I feel pretty confident about that one.

We’ve all dialed back our inner Neanderthal/serial killer.
At least most days. Luckily most of us have been able to sidestep prison up until now.

We have our humor.
That I know because you keep checking in each day to see what kind of an ass I’ve made out of myself. Or, what crazy karaoke murdering, note burning, vagina checking I’ve been up to lately.
Many of your emails just have Bahahahaha in the subject line.

We are all doing the best we can.
We are judging and criticizing less. We are attempting to be kind. We are meditating more, attending to our yoga practice AND our oral hygiene. I really can’t ask more from you than that.
Maybe cut your toenails?

You know you’re not alone.
Not in your hopes and dreams and not in your various degrees of interlocking neurosis. If you’ve read this blog for any length of time you should feel extremely reassured.
And incredibly normal.

We’re living responsible lives.
The bills get paid, the kids aren’t dead, the pets aren’t dead, the fish isn’t…shit.

We’re striving to improve ourselves.
This is a spiritual blog at its core so you’re making an effort to read and implement any and all advice you glean from these pages (Indulge me here). And I’m making an effort to walk the talk. (Do I have to walk and talk at the same time?)

Being that I’m intuitive I KNOW you are all loving and kind people walking through the world, striving to live your life’s purpose.

Aren’t I good?
It’s a talent.
Maybe even a superpower. Who am I kidding? We all know my superpower is knowing all the lyrics to American Pie and Bohemian Rhapsody.

In closing: Except for the things we did wrong, we did everything right.

You’re welcome,


Love yoooooooou!

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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