Finding Trust (A Video)

Finding Trust (A Video)

Hello loves,

I sat down to write about my journey lately on the short bus to trust.

Then I realized I had fifteen minutes before I had to leave. So I made a two-minute video instead—you know—like you do when you’re pressed for time!

The takeaway in case you don’t feel like watching is this: Your intuition will NEVER lead you astray.

It will never take you down the dark alley, or tell you to wear the white pantsuit.
It has NO intention whatsoever of humiliating you or leaving you standing in a steaming pile of disgrace.

So trust it you guys! I’m really trying to do it too.
And that is my nugget of advice for today.

Trust yourself.

Carry on,

AND….The outtakes. First one is my standard duh moment with the video running. Have I learned nothing?

And the second one is a correction. I forgot what day it is.

  • dominator says:

    TRUST, FAITH and HOPE. The three sides of the Surrender triangle.

    Trust is the surrendering of the body based on the perceived reality.
    Faith makes you surrender to the possible and abandon reason.
    Hope is the releasing of the heart, surrendering to doubt.

    Like the triangle of life, you can have any two but not all three concurrently.

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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