I Receive ALL Blessings
Two Saturday mornings ago at Yoga, Diana* kept repeating a phrase,
and as she did, it worked its way through my fuzzy, lazy, Saturday morning brain.
and it has continued to do so.
I receive ALL blessings.
Think about that one.
I receive…ALL blessings.
It started with my head, my brain, and I said “Oh Yeah,
I do that”!
Then a few minutes went by as it percolated down to my true, true heart
and another “Ah ha”!
I absolutely DONT do that”!
And I know I’m not alone.
Why are we so stingy with the blessings we allow ourselves?
As I let it really sink in over several days and numerous meditations,
I realized that my blessing allowance was similar to my Christmas
shopping…only in reverse!
Instead of the “one for them, three for me”! that I was experiencing
and wrote about in “December Shopping Maniac”,
I could be a real Ebenezer Scrooge when reaching into
my bag of blessings.
I have MANY, MANY! Don’t get me wrong!
It’s not about counting the ones you have,
although that is a practice I HIGHLY recommend.
It’s about allowing yourself to continue to receive.
And therein lies the rub.
After careful consideration,
Here’s where it occurred to me I might be stingy with my blessings:
The blessing of patience,
I’ve been praying for that one since the 80’s!
Sometimes I’ve got it, I’m freakin Mother Teresa,
mostly I don’t, my hand are in tight fists, and I just won’t allow myself
to be blessed that way.
The blessing of financial abundance has alluded me for yet another year,
not that I don’t have enough to live, because I do.
But the blessing of a career that provides real relief from financial worries.
I receive ALL blessings.
The blessing of peace of mind.
A life without worry.
Why are we so damn stingy with THAT one?!
What is our/my attachment to that 3am appointment
with dread and anxiety?
I receive ALL blessings
The blessing of time.
More time for sleep.
To take walks.
More time to laugh.
The blessing of letting other people do things for me.
Ohhhh that’s a hard one!
I receive ALL blessings
I wrote it on the bathroom mirror to remind myself. I know I’ll see that at least twice a day!
Take a few minutes,
What blessings do you need to work on allowing?
* DianaLang.com