Healing Energy

Healing Energy

Does it seem there is a spotlight on matters that need revisiting?
That is the full moon energy that is present now.
This moon is highlighting the things in your lives that
you thought were healed, and bringing them to your attention
for the last time.

Partially healed matters can stay under the surface for quite some time,you think they have been dealt with, but hidden like they are,
from your attention, they are like a low-grade infection,
that keeps you from feeling your best.

This brilliant full moon energy started a few days ago,
to remind you, or bring to the surface, those things that
need some final focus.

They probably started in your dreams and when you woke up,
a song or an image reminded you.

It is a feeling of being incomplete, of longing, or regret.
These are the emotions that stay submerged for years at a time,
they are from your past, and many pages were written in your journals,
many tears were shed on their behalf, and so you thought there was closure.

This full moon is the final push to the surface of these long forgotten
but still very potent emotions.

Like we have reminded you in the past,
just observe them as they come to the surface.
All they want is your loving attention.
With the assistance of this full moon, they will not be harsh,
they will not hurt as bad as they have in the past,
which is why you buried them deep in the first place.
They will just gently come to your minds and hearts,
where you can turn them over for one last time,
and the light can shine on them for this final healing.

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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