Coming Up For Air

Coming Up For Air

After the last few years, and really the last decades,
of navigating some pretty dense energies,
You are finally coming up for air.

As it so happens, while you were underwater, so to speak,
everything changed!
Imagine slogging thru dark deep water,
only to surface into bright blue clear skies.
Very unexpected!

When you took your last breath to go under,
Every particle of the air was different.
That old, stale air permeated every cell of your body,
while you under.
So you can imagine the adjustment your body is going thru,
after you come up for air in this very refined, very shimmery
new energy.

While you were under, you thought you may have to grow gills,
when the truth is now,
You are free to grow wings!

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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