Gather Yourselves

Gather Yourselves

Many of you are feeling scattered by the wind.
neither here nor there wholly,
but rather fractured into many separate selves.
It is time to Gather yourselves together.

There is the problem solver you,
the one that is ultra responsible
and tries to do everything right.

There is the adolescent you,
free of all cares and responsibilities,
immune to what needs to be done,
only interested in immediate gratification.

There is the creative you,
who sees beauty and possibility in everything.
A rock can be a table!
the grass an emerald carpet!
The clouds are shapes only you can decipher!

There is the pragmatic you,
the sceptic, the cynic, and grouch,
who sees only what’s wrong with life,
everything in broken shards of black
and white.

You can see what I mean.
All these pieces of you,
separate and alone,
looking now for integration.

Gather yourselves.
As you blend these different colors of you,
they will soften the hard edges,
and bring order to chaos.
You will begin to feel more whole,
more who you REALLY are,
This amazing amalgam reunited!

Hi, I’m Janet

Mentor. Pirate. Dropper of F-bombs.

This is where I write about my version of life. My stories. Told in my own words.

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