Listening is an art
it involves eye contact
it involves heart contact
it requires you to step outside your own mind
and step into the consciousness of the speaker.
Often as someone is speaking and you are listening,
your thoughts are racing ahead
forming the next question
passing judgement on the words
thinking of a story to tell
or answers to give.
see if you can set aside your own agenda
clear your mind of preconceived ideas
and really let the speaker’s words sink in
and penetrate your heart.
Stop thinking about what you can add
listen for what they can give you
Listening is not a passive act
it is a give and take, but…
There is energy behind their words
let it wash over you, to get their real meaning.
Emotions may be triggered
that’s okay, stay engaged
I hear you
I see you
and what you say matters to me
That is one of the greatest gifts you can give another
Make THAT your new mantra!